Dan Sulin

Really, I think Lion King is one of the best Disney animated movies.

When my sister final lost her battle with cancer my brother-in-law was dating someone within months. I didn't want him to be alone forever but I didn't think you can grieve in a couple months. I also blame his church. Damn Catholics just hate a lonely widower, they were playing match maker with him before my sister

So Guardians 2 wasn't terrible. Wonder Woman was good. This sounds worth seeing. Could we be experience a rare year where none of the superhero movies disappoint?

Counterpoint: Woooooohoooooo Superheroes rock!!!!

I feel the people that don't give Ant Man a fair shake because Wright got fired are the same idiots that are going to gush over Justice League just because Joss Whedon got to make his territory on it. That's not a knock against Joss or Wright, just those people who seem far more concerned with who made a movie then

Controversial opinion. Scott Pilgrim isn't that good of a movie and hasn't aged well. I saw it in theaters and told myself it was great. Then watched it when it came out on DVD and my wife and I were unimpressed. Recently watched it again on a whim and just really disliked it. It's seems like it's trying to

I disagree. I'm not a fan of Iron Man 3, I honestly found it kinda boring.

Yeah, the fact that the sound mix in the SE of New Hope actually makes the stupid gun fire and shit during the attack on the Death Star louder then the score is criminal.

You are wrong. Its not the greatest movie ever made but its an pretty great movie and it revolutionized Hollywood in ways we still feel today.

Lucas has been talking out his ass about Star Wars since 1983. All his talk about "The technology finally being there for my true vision" has always been a smoke screen for "I have no idea what I am writing for the prequels, so I hired a bunch of kids to add CGI scenes to my old movies to make some more money".

Saved or killed. There is a really good Youtube video about how the editing is one of the reasons Suicide Squad is an unwatchable mess

I am questioning if that is even her real picture. Not that a conventionally attractive woman can't spew hate, but her other tweets sound like they are written by a basement dwelling MRA. I don't see a lot of woman calling people cucks.

Exactly, she didn't blame Obama. Gotta stay on message at Breitbart!

Jews, Muslims and Vegetarians. At least you typical tiny ones they put in hot cocoa because it's nearly impossible to find those not made with pork geletin.

Or maybe more drunk. Or high. Or with a belt around your neck masturbating. Honestly watch it however way you enjoy to watch it. And if you are not enjoying watching it then watch something else

After this episode, why would you think Shadow is an "ordinary" human being?

It's a road trip story. The point is the journey and the conversation. The overall "story" and what is actually going on is sorta the dullest part of the book.

I've actually been studying this a lot lately. I have found that if you look at every musician or actor over a span of 10 years you noticed changes in how they look. It seems the younger they are the more drastic the changes. I've seen late teen girls like Avril grow more comfortable in their skin and turn into 30

The difference is Snatch eventually found and audience on DVD and is still a fun movie. This, not so much.

Which Y-wing set. USC?