Dan Sulin

Finally got to dig into Horizon: Zero Dawn. Wow is that game amazing. PS4 is killing it with exclusive titles.

Couldn't remmer it above but it's First Knight. Exacaliburs sex seems were so mild it's a joke but you are not the only one who's parents wouldn't let them see it. It does have a lot of man ass in it though.

To be fair, cocaine is responsible for 95% of all 80s entertainment. So what I am saying is that the moving sucking isn't cocaines fault

Yep. Basically because every single one after tries to do a "realistic" take and the suck.

Kids and wife were at her friends all weekend so I took the opportunity to do zero house work and instead hint robot dinosaurs all weekend.

Finally watched it last night, Kinda surprised how faithful they are sticking to the book. I didn't read much news about this and sorta guessed the "coming to America" stories would be dropped but I am happy to see them.

Only if it's Judd Hirach as Dracula

Is he the one that is uncomfortably right wing or is that the Dirty Jobs guy?

Interesting that this one is going to be on PC. The fact that the original never made it to PC was crazy.

I figured with the rise of the Occulus Rift and other VR equipment that a gritty VR Troopers reboot was a given.

Up until the ending when you find out that are liquefying humans to make a human reaper which ends up looking like something off the cover of an Iron Maden album cover.

I think Space Mutiny and Final Sacrifice are neck and neck for the best episode. The movies are such a perfect combination of cheaply made but clearly loved by the film makers. The Riffs almost write themselves at that point

Really, I thought Logan looks kinda awesome

Yeah but then the early 2000s came and the Avengers had Wolverine on the team. Its comes and goes

I honestly don't find these that funny. Mostly because the original PSAs are so hilarious on their own that you don't need to change the audio to make them funny.

Cognitive dissonance should be their motto. They are also the militant pro-lifers who hate the poor and support going to war with everyone.

And like most mammals, its small and contained mostly inside him. He better work on his cunnilingus game

Nope is Belle A Legosi

Because he is Maui!

Let me fix that "A beautifully animated 25-year-old animated classic"