Dan Sulin

Who the fuck is Dan Stevens?

He is, the first trailer came out and its glorious. I am secretly hoping that it plays in front of every screening of BvS

The best/worst part of the whole Spider-man/Doc Ock brain switch storyline is when Peter Parker found he could access Doc Ocks memory and saw just how far old Ocky got with Aunt May. No amount of retcon can heal those scars

That's the tag long for a bad romantic drama and Ashes of Donnie is the perfect title. I'm working on the screenplay now. It's about elderly woman who lights a candle every night to remeber the French man see fell in love with working as a nurse in WWII. Spoiler… He dies.

Did he ever say he was a Time Master or that he just worked for them. Maybe he was the Time Janitor?

I would say it's unrealistic. But the again this whole country ignore Detroit.

Or it's the future. Maybe Someone is going to invent a way for two men to have a baby together and Diggle and Ollie are going to realize that they weren't meant to be together. Ollie just didn't tell Conner he was his other daddy because Ollie has to keep at least one secret at all times. It's in his contract.

Well I was mad she didn't remind us of her previous profession. What did she do again?

It's a blog on conspiracy

Speedsters can't melt steel beams