Dan Sulin

And a hard man humble.

I would so rather see the 1970s Defender. Namor and Doctor Strange seemingly competing for the "Who can be the biggest asshole" awards. Hulk just wanting someone to be his friend. Silver Surfer randomly running into the invisible shield around the Earth that only keeps him in.

So many people talk about how the last couple are such stupid fun I tried to watch the series. I couldn't get half way through the first movies.

I only see the good ones. I really like GOG 2 for example

Yeah. If this asshole was hardcore he'd still have an old shitty CRT TV to play the games the way they were meant to be played

Crucifixion can be hilareous. Just watch "Life of Brian".

You really don't have a handle on this whole humor thing do you?

Somewhere in a dark basement near Hollywood, a man is slaving over rending software to precisely "rastafy" Oy by 10 percent

Every time I see the word sodomy, I always wonder if the people of Gomorrah are pissed that they didn't get a sex act named after them?

A good rule of thumb is anytime anyone tries to have you sign a contract as "a formality", you best not do it before reading it and possibly seeking legal consult.

The Who?

Its really odd how acceptable age ranges to date are so arbitrary. A Freshman(14) can date a senior(17) in High School and no one really bats an eye but two years later and it becomes an issue for some reason. Add two more years and it's perfectly fine again.

And the Transformers, apparently. Of course they also apparently helped with the underground railroad too.

Every since Bumblebee got to go kill Hitler, all the summer block busters want to recreate history with their characters

Wonder Woman vs Zoya the Destroya vs Dora the Explora

I think the much rumored Black Added as a rock band in the late 60s is due. Given the principal cast is all old men now, it would be even funnier.

I love Rat Race!!!!

Except Hunchback is the worst Disney movie because its really not a story that can be Disney'fied.

Nope, after they run out of animated films to make "live action", they will loop around to make live action films animated. I can't wait for the animated Condor Man, Black Hole and The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes.

Yeah me too.