Danson Macabre

Worst thing in a dream: threw a family member off of a train. Woke up in a cold sweat and almost fell off my bed. Fortunately that was years ago, but its still pretty haunting.

Dude, my sister decided to read the book because she loved Hamilton so much. She doesn't even like nonfiction.

Incremental improvements, but honestly it was already so good last season I don't care. The jokes did get a lot more callback-y, but there were still some great lines. My favorites: "There are a lot of gray areas in life." Sonia's gray area is enormous." "There are three things Titus Andremodon doesn't do: apologies,

I live a couple blocks away from the city itself, and lemme tell you I'm not always sure it exists myself.

Thanks! I just had the picture laying around my desktop, so I decided to finally put it to use.

This has to be the most moving scene I've ever watched. The series as a whole is my favorite of all time, and it's because of scenes like this. The show really connected with me in a way that only one or two other shows have, especially because I watched it while in high school. Sitting down for lunch with a peanut

One of my friends accidentally revealed the other day that he would like to be eaten by the snake voiced by ScarJo - he wouldn't like to be eaten by anybody else but ScarJo snake.. He's a good guy, but he has some out-of-the-ordinary fetishes.

Oh my god, one of my friends forced me to watch this. Like, I actually had no choice, he had control of the phone. Most incomprehensible thing I've ever seen. 10/10 would definitely watch more

They also posted on every single Kroll Show review, often towards the bottom.

I definitely remember a copy in my local library when I was a kid. Maybe even a couple copies.

Tye Sheridan doesn't seem like a good fit as Wade. Isn't he supposed to be really obese?

"Sit and spin!"

dammit I wanted the title to be sarcasm

"Did you hear, school's cancelled because Kurt and Ram killed themselves in a repressed homosexual suicide pact?"
"No way!"

I started No Country for Old Men the other day, and I'm really getting into it. Cormac McCarthy is just a phenomenal writer, and I really like the whole landscape he creates. I'm also reading The Things They Carried for English, and it's one of the few books I've actually enjoyed reading for a class. It also happens

I really enjoyed that, so much that I went right out and bought Zombie Spaceship Wasteland. I really liked it, but the books are pretty different in both structure and the ways they're good.

Well, Tim Heidecker only had a small role, so it's probably more accurate to say "starring Ben Stiller and Jason Alexander" (though it was quite the scene-stealing role).

Ah yes, the good old small town of Atown Colorado. I spent many a day of my youth there, frolicking in Apark Park and learning at the Aschool School.

I thought Christmas Story was set in the late 40s - 50s. Works better as a nostalgic movie that way IMO.

Not really a con man, right? At least I didn't interpret it that way.