
Cake walking through the east isn’t some huge accomplishment. And just as you say he came within shouting distance of 5, he also came within a hair of having one. The miraculous series against the Spurs in 2013, dubs last year, and the 7 game series against the celts in 2012. Hypotheticals can work either way, so

Maybe they get the benefit of the doubt because he’s been to the Finals six straight years, winning three chips (and coming within shouting distance of two other titles) - while his team has only been the top seed in two of those six years.

No, it means that Matthew Dellavedova is the real MVP.

Now playing

On the flip side, word is WWE will not renew Eva Marie’s contract, so Vince Jr. will not threaten us with the chances of watching her wrestle ever again.

Sony: [to Marvel] “Thanks for the help, but we’ve go this shared universe thing figured out now. You can let go.”

Apparently, the fact that Logan was rated R was the *ONLY* thing Sony’s executives took from the film. [/facepalm]

All my money to Disney then, for making movies I can show to my kids.

It’s all fun and games until the Space Raptors get loose.

That someone would get nervous and call the cops on someone walking around dressed like the Joker and carrying a sword without an obvious explanation like Halloween or a convention is totally understandable in my opinion.

Dude stays having beef with most of the world...

So honest question: why do you care about posters?

The tower can’t be placed “correctly” because it’s imaginary.

I’m sure Bell and Shepard are absolutely CRUSHED. /s

I’m always angered when I look at Dax Shepard, but then I realize I’m really angry at Dane Cook.

Griffin might surpass Howard in the Softest Players in the NBA ranking for this one.

Related: last time these guys went on strike was 30 years ago.

because at some point recently the NBA decided it was a good idea to have guys who need to move their arms around in all matter of directions constantly should also have to deal with wearing sleeves.

“Jeez, first you can’t yell fake Chinese lingo at a Japanese-American kid, next you won’t be able to imprison them in concentration camps in the desert. These are slippery slopes.”

I checked Don Papa’s LinkedIn page and it looks like he’s been teaching at Galileo for 25 years. How the hell do you teach in the City of San Francisco for that long and not learn that this isn’t appropriate?

From the article “Trumpscratch.com now redirects to a cut-rate porn site.”