
It’s referring to winning a game (likely), not a series (damn-near impossible).

Hell, it’s probably younger than last years Wrestlemania (Cena/Brock/Taker/Shane/Rock/HHH.. and that doesn’t count the battler Royale that had Shaq/Show/DDP/Kane/Goldust).

It may be the most talented roster they’ve ever had, but Vince loves the old guys. I guess we’re lucky Batista was filming for Marvel. We were

3 out of the last 5 MLB articles have been on the garbage-ass White Sox.
Were you unable to find ny articles on the Tampa Bay Rays?

Don’t just talk the talk
-the rest of the NBA Eastern Conference.

Dear Korea,
We are currently at capacity with rapist athletes. We would be willing to exchange a Mr. B.T. Roethlisberger for Kang.

Thanks in advance,

WashingMachine-Sink is one of those things you don’t know you need until you have it. I have a in the laundry room between the Washer and Dryer and I will never live in a house doesn’t have a sink in the laundry room.

I’d say less “star”, and more “participator”.... or “attendee”

Maybe Adam Jones is just fiscally conservative, and didn’t think Puerto Rico should pay for parades while having 72 billion dollar bankrupcy debt and 60% of their schools closed due to lack of funds.

This just in: Chris Cooley thinks that the Color Rush jerseys may be drinking on the job.

Fuck resting starters (in any sport). If the players are too tired to play, then the NBA needs better scheduling or less games.

He stands for the national anthem.

This. My sister-in-law sends something back every time, and always requests the manager regardless of how small the grevience or how quickly it was fixed.
I’m sitting there awkwardly thinking “It’s an Outback steakhouse; maybe you have too grandiose expectations”.

And most of those teams were eliminated immediately. Maybe they need a little more disaster & poverty for motivation.

Team USA is playing a few scrimage games with friends before the season starts. Most of these teams are using a baseball game as a moral victory for whatever disaster/civil war their 3rd world country is going through.

So, Mexico & the Marlins share uniforms?

This is the 2nd or 3rd time this book has been on here “for 13" and actually been $20-30.

This is the 2nd or 3rd time this book has been on here “for 13" and actually been $20-30.

Counterpoint: Nas was right. He announced the death of Hip-Hop in 2006.
There hasn’t been a good rap act that received airplay in about a decade.
He was pretty accurate on his timeline.

The comparison is incredibly stupid.
The difference is that the rest of Biggie’s songs weren’t subpar.
You don’t get praise for rapping well once in 8 years.

And shit, how low is the bar for this girl, that competency is treated like achievement. The Monster verse is good but not phenomenal. Pick any Jay-z album at

Also, now Cleveland has Osweiler and RG3, so they are almost guaranteed a superbowl appearance with that much talent at QB.