
It’s what really frustrates me with Marvel, they are fine cramming heroes in other movies just for fun: Falcon in Ant-man, Thor/Dr. Strange, Stark & Spiderman.

I just don’t believe that they don’t see an interesting creative angle to use any of their tv characters in their movies. And I don’t buy the schedule excuse,

Spoiler alert:
Batman is Hydra

I’m excited to see Black Bolt run.
It’s very true to the comics, where i have also seen him run.

Even if you don’t watch the show, this article has 2 photos. They show 2 different female POC characters.

Yep. My biggest complaints about the titles were that:
1. the X-men universe has a 100+ characters and they just keep adding new ones instead of developing existing ones.
2. too much Wolverine.

So shortly after Wolverine died, they replace him with elderly Wolvy and put him everywhere. And Bendis has the opportunity to

Also, generic. I feel like the Sam-Cap, Steve-Cap, Super-Soldier Steve, and now this guy, All have pretty much the same costume.
If you take off the eagle, hood and the trademark Falcon goggles, it’s the “Steve Rogers, Super-Soldier” series costume.

Yep. I can’t think of any other reason that the Patriot would have a costume with an eagle on his chest...

Looking at the glider, it has to be Sam Wilson, right? Aerial Cap character is his M.O.

I know Marvel is trying to churn out as many new characters as possible, but if this isn’t Sam, or either of the Bradley’s, it’s a missed opportunity.

So, Mexico & the Marlins share uniforms?

Shhh.... your facts are interfering with the narrative.

This is the 2nd or 3rd time this book has been on here “for 13" and actually been $20-30.

This is the 2nd or 3rd time this book has been on here “for 13" and actually been $20-30.

Counterpoint: Nas was right. He announced the death of Hip-Hop in 2006.
There hasn’t been a good rap act that received airplay in about a decade.
He was pretty accurate on his timeline.

The comparison is incredibly stupid.
The difference is that the rest of Biggie’s songs weren’t subpar.
You don’t get praise for rapping well once in 8 years.

And shit, how low is the bar for this girl, that competency is treated like achievement. The Monster verse is good but not phenomenal. Pick any Jay-z album at

I don’t see any reason that it matters what Weaving thinks.
I think almost anyone could look like this:

Most people (including comic book fans) don’t actually care about loyalty to source material, if the show/movie is good.
The “must be loyal to the comics” myth has been dead for a decade.

The cast is 60% non-white.
Diversity isn’t just African-Americans. Latinos, Asians, and Native-Americans count too.

In the comics over the last 10 years, he may have been the most complex interesting and badass character in the X-Men universe.

Nice. I clicked on this article for the “reverse racism” comments; I didn’t even have to scroll.

That was my first thought.
I’m in favor of casting for diversity, But i’m curious to see how they they handle someone with chalk white skin as their calling card.
There may be a way to do it like Gamora/Nebula where human skin colors are not an option; But i hope it doesn’t end up looking like she’s dressing in