
He’s only in a couple scenes of the movie, so they may have wanted to keep him consistent for clarity.

If I were Colossus, I would always be armored up. Have you seen how often the X-mansion is blown up?

Just fucking stop already, 2016.

Sorry that you have to live in Iowa.

This is correct.
Eating pieces one-by-one, is akin to separating the parts of a salad.... or a burrito. You are acquainted with psychopaths; be safe.

Fuck that. Don’t half-ass it.
Either go lazy plastic tree you don’t have to leave the house for, or do the giant  Christmas tradition expedition.

Yes. One was a good football play, the other a costly undisciplined move by a team falling apart on the field. It’s a perfect summary of the game.

I’m a 30+ comic book fan, and i would describe that Star War scene as the one where they tie up the big walking snow camel things. I couldn’t tell you if it was the 2nd or 3rd movie, or the names of anything involved.

I also didn’t know what Spiderman was describing in the above panel, until Tony revealed it.


“Michael Bay invites you to unlearn what you have learned about Optimus Prime in a new poster.”

Why stop there.
I want to unlearn everything i’ve ever known about Bay’s Transformers.

That is a life not worth living.
I’ve had Fried chicken twice this week and it’s only Wednesday.

I read that last quote three times, and I was sure I was misreading it.
I actually pulled up the Star Wars Wikipedia page to try and figure if it was a typo, or if I was tired and not remembering the titles correctly.

It’s a shame Diamondback was so botched in execution (my wife said “it’s like he was edited in from a different show”). The emotional tie of sibling rivalry felt forced but it was just piled on a cliche snarling villian, and the bible verses gimmick was no good. And he went from careful underworld powerhouse, moving

I definitely liked the first half better than the second.
I liked the idea that Cottomouth, and Councilwoman Maria were the villians as symbols of Money and Power. I thought it was interesting because you can beat up robots, but can you punch your way through corruption, the well-connected, and political powers?


Who the fuck are the Huskies?

There is usually someone that works like a referee that is charge of opening bottles, and in case of an emergency* removing them.

*what is considered an emergency depends on how good your friends are.

The asking price was too damn high. He tried to do what the White Sox were doing and overplayed his hand.

Now these are the quotes of a manager that takes training seriously, and is totes trying to win a world series.

I love that QB sneak quote. The fact that he said the former NFL Quarterback could show how to do a Quarterback sneak, and not, you know... throw a football. That pretty much sums up the Tim Tebow experience.

Meh. In 1996 i’m sure people were talking about how music wasn’t as good as in the 80s. The most consistent, and reliable thing on earth is that _____ isn’t as good as it was when you 17-23 years old.

Not necessarily true for last year. The Nats averaged nearly 5 runs against a fairly solid Dodgers staff in the NLDS, but the Nationals starters had a 7.16 ERA.

And Dusty was pretty quick with the hook last season.

Congrats. You’re my favorite on here, and i’ll miss your work on comics, but i’m excited about your next project.

Agreed. I think it can really kill pacing--and has during the last 2 seasons.
TV shows work if they can treat a season like a book and the episodes like chapters. Small chunks of an overall story.
TWD seems to just wander through scenes with no real idea of the story arc, or how to divide it into episodes; there seems