
4fter the poor return on investment, I don’t see them m4king 4nother movie, so i guess if we don’t hear 4nything by 2014 or 2015 we start hoping for the characters in MCU Phase 6

If Fox doesn’t sell/trade the FF rights, do you (or anyone else here) know when they would expire (a la Ghost Rider & DD) from inaction?

Thanks for this. After 20+ years of reading X-titles, I gave up in the post Secret Wars reboot. But i have been curious about what I’ve missed.

Well, fine. I am no longer going to tell Robert Kirkman how my Walking Dead fan fiction ends. Your move, Robbie....

I can’t wait for this article to be immediately followed with one about how reboots are ruining comics because they lose their interesting history and character depth.

The internet:

I Don’t really know anything about this Korra, but I’ve been to the Cartoon Art Museum and it was fantastic. Support it in any way you can.

Nope. I’m one episode behind because my DVR is backlogged, but otherwise i’ve seen every episode.

Yes. Perhaps I should have used “unwilling” instead of “unable”.
I admire DC shows willingness to go for it and embrace comic book superheroes, even when it doesn’t work.
Where AoS has had 90 episodes and now costumed superheroes (laser-tag Deathlok aside).


Nothing like thinning the herd every century.

I think the Inhumans may work better as a TV show, since they’re already a part of AoS’s world. But I don’t know if they can swing the budget to make some of the visuals work.

ETA: DC/CW seem to be able to do special effects and superhero costumes, so it should be possible, but AoS seems unable to do special effects

“I haven’t watched him play very much”
Don’t feel bad. Neither has the “writer” of the article.

This is wrong and stupid, and you should feel bad for writing it.
The guy lead the NBA in points per game by a SG last year. Was 2nd the previous year. Top 4 in FG % the last few years.
Injury-prone: yes .... Bad investment: most likely.... but bad basketball player: that’s laughably absurd.

At this point, fuck Ted...fuck the Wizards....can we send them back to Baltimore?
I thought the team was turning it around a couple years ago with some young talent (a la Nats), but they look to be worsening this and upcoming years. It’s crazy to run a team this poorly pertaining to personnel and complain about any

I don’t know how to respond because this may not be sarcasm.

I’m glad to see it because it’s what made the most sense to me, even if it wasn’t traditional.
You’re not going to keep one-upping Avengers movies in scope, especially after Infinity War. And they can only get Chris Evans and RDJ to make but so many movies. There are a lot of movie properties out there; they can focus

He is a great defender, and above average offensively.
But personally, i’m glad my favorite team lost the biding war for him.

The contract could still end up worth it, but I’m skeptical. This was a very bad year. He was ranked 54th (out of 54) Outfielders in MLB. Even as the 3rd best Outfielder defensively, it evens

Dude, he was the star of that Halloween party .... assuming the party was in 2006.

I’m not surprised. Frank Miller often has good ideas.... they are just consistantly botched in execution.

It may work well if they had him consult/conceptualize a Batman movie, but let someone else write it, and squash the bad ideas.

I’ve heard that Kylo Ren is really Luke Skywalker.