
I think they both have valid points, and it really reflects the sensitive and complicated nature of diversity and representation.

I mean.....angry internet vitrol!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, the internet:

Holy smokes. This just filled my card for “Intenet-bigot-mouthbreathing-douchecanoe BINGO”.

If you could have worked in Gamergate, or #AllLivesMatter, I wouldn’t have even needed to use the Free square.

This metaphor works if the aliens find mechanic tools, a preserved Jiffy Lube, and several auto plants, and still conclude the Ford Mustang evolved from randomness.

or in their stands?

Based on what? Molina hasn’t even been one of the 5 best catchers in the NL this year.
He ranks 6th of 7 qualified NL catchers in BA/OPS/RBI, and 7th (of 7) in Slug/OPS/HR.
He is good defensively, but not enough to balance out being the worst offensive starting catcher in the league.

hmmm.... you had me at “Mark Waid”
then lost me at “Humberto Ramos”

Whenever I come to the comment secton of these articles I’m always glad I didn’t read the series first.

Me thinks this guy needs a job.

Seriously. After 20 years of reading, I stopped last fall during the relaunch. And with 1 year absence, I don’t recognize 30-40% of these people.

I believe he is also Reed Richards (great?) grandson. So I imagine he was included with the F4 rights for that reason.

I didn’t read the series, but I never think of her as a “bad guy”, at least no more than Jesse. I get the same anti-hero vibe from her. I think especially since they’ve shown her trying to stand up for people (the hookers in episode 4), and that her criminal/shady behavior is just for justice/revenge.

I think it just takes a while for people to catch onto things. I feel like GoT and Walking Dead caught on on their second season, and a lot of viewers came on after multiple season and caught up.

But I think it will pick up soon. I came on hesistantly to the pilot (I knew of the series, but never read it) and wasn’t

I agree that Fox has no interest in F4, but they are trying to see if they can get anything for them. They may end up gaininga couple small characters in exchange (maybe Taskmaster for Deadpool 2/3).

But Fox seems pleased enough with their X-Men Franchise, and would gain very little by cramming Captain America into an

What the f*ck happened to Scooby!
Why, god...Whyyyyyyyyy!!

“Trump doesn’t have that realistic of a chance of winning”
We heard that for 12 months during the primaries, too. He should definitely be treated as a threat.

He is definitely getting 40+% of the vote, but that may be enough to win, depending on how many votes Johnson & Stein receive.

I’m pretty sure Martin has said before that he doesn’t plot anything in advance and he just “writes the characters and see where they take him”....which is why he has a mess of a story with a hundred characters and no real vision on how to wrap things up.

Or...did scientist confirm that cat piss smells like comets?

I’m amazed nobody is working on it yet.
Fantasy/paranormal series are really in (Preacher/Sleepy Hollow/Grim/etc,etc). It’s a character that would work much better as a series than a movie, and it would let them really start fleshing out the horror/paranormal corner of Marvel.

-someone who unfortunately has read Kick Ass 1 & 2