
Say what you want, I’m just impressed that he went to Mars.

Even if McCoy is declining (which is yet to be seen), he was better than what Philly had last year, and will surely be better than whoever they draft/sign for this year.
With the short careers of RB’s, losing 2 years of improved rushing performance is a pretty big deal.

C. That article is a year old. Still retired.

He definitely shoved a woman 8 seconds in.
He seems like he is absolutely trying to prevent a fight, and it didn’t look like what i was expecting based on the headline. But he turned, saw the woman and clearly swung his arm back hard enough to knock her back a few steps.
If there is any blame to be given, it’s for

I’m not saying they should let her go, but I do hope there is some sort of grace period leniency for a substance that has been banned in the last 2 months.

Wow. You did not read the article at all.
C’mon, it was only 3 paragraphs.

Oh, we tried on every variation of the costume before settling on the worst option available.

“This is a great idea!”

At least it will give JGL time to work on a movie that will actually be completed.

I saw (and expected) most of the comments to be adult men complaining that the toys (aimed at young girls) were too young and girly.

But i’m incredibly excited about this. My daughter is just a baby now, but I’ve been hoping to get her into superheroes, and this could be such an awesome entry point.

Tl;DR - Waaaaaaaahhhhh!!!

“Happiest place on earth” my ass. Even the kids look suicidal in that picture.

I faintly remember this show.
I don’t remember if it was good, but I was 10 and my parents liked Bob Newhart and I liked comics, so that was enough.

people being bigots.

I think we’ve pinpointed why you don’t have any MVP awards, Tom.

Alternate strategy: Coccaine

That’s what I came here to say. It could be unrelated.... but the Babs scene only being in the R-rated version, combined with old/sulking Batman and murdered Robin. I couldnt help but think “The Killing Joke”.

This obvious and necessary post would be better served as a series of screegrabs of Steph’s boobs.

Too classy for Miami Beach. Myrtle Beach, tops.

Yep. We could also take the energy to commend Marvel on their diversity on new characters with Agents of Shield. Their cast is 1/4 Asian and roughly 50% non-white.

But it’s easier to just comment argue about a Netflix show about a C-list superhero.