
I dunno. It may be one of those things that you see if you’re expecting it.
I hadn’t seen any chemistry or foreshadowing. I agree that it felt forced and out of nowhere.
I havent seen it foreshadowed in the books yet, but I am a couple arcs behind (where they are still en route to Alexandria/DC)

Interesting. I’ve been debating whether or not to take a listen.
I’ve been lukewarm (or worse since “Graduation). My Twisted Fantasy was uneven. I didn’t like Yeezus, and Watch The Throne just felt like I was listening to someone sandbag a Jay-Z album.

I’m just not a fan of his lyric quality (or the lack-thereof) I had

Umm...What the fuck happened to Britney Spears face.
At first I thought it was bad photohop.

The line about the “legacy” makes me think they have no idea what they’re doing and are trying to fix some of the lost history from the last reboot.

I was wondering that too. I’ve had friends that were able to use the mobile pdf for Nats games.
And i’m all for making mobile easier; many times i’ve struggled to get in because my printer was low on ink or streaky and printing near-unusable.
Hopefully Stubhub will adjust/adapt because they are a necessity. Nobody

To be fair, I thought:
a). Broadus b.) Coolidge c.) & Hobbs
So I guess it is mysterious, he could be an old white guy, a rapper, or a cartoon.

“TMZ writes she was “screaming and hysterical”

She amazes and bewilders me, because I can’t figure out how she’s everywhere. I always she her hosting things or in discussion panels or on tv shows...but i’ve never heard her say anything interesting, or funny, or insightful, or worth saying.
I spend a lot of time, saying “wait.....why is she there?”

Is Calvin considered an “ethnic name” in Scotland?

College Dropout. Thanks for asking.
I will also accept Graduation, because it’s Friday and I’m feeling genrous.

Damn. She has Jennifer Aniston/Rachel Green nips

TLOP......more like FLOP, ammirite?

Don’t try. It’s about 7% race, 93% just being a ignorant, arrogant asshole.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a while, just because I really like that one really good album that he made over 10 years ago, but he moved past deserving any of that years ago.

And if there anything Kim is know for, it’s making good decisions.

I get the Heimdall death. The character doesn’t have a strong role in the series (though Heimdall is usually one of the more enjoyable parts of the Thor movie) and Idris Elba is way to famous and in-demand to keep returning for 15 minutes as Asgards doorman.

It would be tough.
I don’t dislike Natlie Portman; I dislike (movie) Jane Foster. I find her written really poorly, and their relationship forced, unnatural, illogical, void of chemistry, and existing solely because movie hacks can’t make a hero without a romantic lead/damsel in distress.
That said, I can’t buy Portman

We all take place in the same universe, man.

Couter-arguement: I’m going to point out the 5 teams that don’t fall in this category because i’m an internet asshole.

Oh, Ok. The article is pretty vague.
I can see where we are on slightly different topics.

Also: Sanders? Watered-down Libertarianism and Watered-down Socialism seem like oil & water. I think these people are looking for any thing different to latch onto.