
Oh, I get it, and I’m curious to see where his (and really all of the failed candidates’) supporters go.
I just thought we were theorizing since there is no way to get data yet on supporters of a campaign that just ended 20 hours ago.

Edit: and I guess the Trump/Paul link is from at least a lot of the pundits thought

I think it’s so extreme that it is impractical and fringe. Less government sounds believable politically, but once it becomes an extreme (essentially no government) or oversimplified (gov=bad/do what you want=good) it doesn’t work. And Liberterians seem to just take it a little too far.

I haven’t seen the evidence, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
Libertarians really like to say “I’m not Republican” despite having almost the same beliefs. I could easily see the going to the ‘Republican-in-name-only’ with a fluid unclear platform, over a more traditional “christian-conservative on steroids” candidate.

I think we’re all in the same (old) boat.
I’m in my early-to-mid 30s, and i don’t know who this guy is... or really understand how someone gets “internet famous”.

I would think socks on is more rape-y.

Maybe. Maybe Cam leading his team in rushing yards (and both teams in YPA) gives him an edge in individual performance. Manning had a fumble & an INT, Cam had 2 fumbles and a INT so maybe that decides it....Or it’s a tie because Cam’s INT was totally Ginn’s fault...Or Manning was better because the turnovers weren’t

Probably not. Mostly because tv shows are not movies.

That is debatable.

Yep, I don’t have a horse in this race, but the Manning love bugged me a little more than I thought it would.
I’m all for him getting a ring while not playing excellently—it’s like a karmic return for him having so many amazing seasons without postseason success—but it’s been tough after he played so badly during the

Well I’ll be damned. I watched the Wire, but I didn’t recognize him. He’s one of about 4 or 5 actors/characters from the show that I never remember existing.

Yeah, I think “not confirming an actor until the contract is finished” is different than a “fake-out”.

I think it was unfortunate that they didn’t hide the Winter Soldier identity.
My wife wasn’t a comic book fan, but she really loved the Cap movie and was really sad when Bucky “died”.
I thought the reveal would be a cool twist for her (and the non-fan audience) so I avoided telling her for a year after they announced

People that I talked to that didn’t read the books were floored. Not only was he the main character, he was the only recognizable actor for the American public.

I went back-and-forth on that one. I felt like there were enough reasons for and against him being dead, which is why I found it enjoyable (though i seem to be the only one).

It seemed like a death fake-out...but they hadn’t done one before. Dead is dead in TWD....until it isn’t. They are building up suspense for his

You can get drunk on anything if you have enough of them.
I’ve gotten blackout, throw-up drunk more times than I can count on Coors Light.

Wow. #4 and particularly #7 are really bad photoshop jobs.
That Fox one is almost MS Paint quality.

Obviously the unicorns are helping them stay hidden.

Came for this. I worked at a McD’s in high school and routinely ran nuggets from one store to another. They were only out of the freezer for about 10 minutes.
Hell, I think it’s nice he buckled them in like they were fragile, I just tossed them in the backseat.

I can see the appeal of the Cap dying emotional impact, and the fallout with Bucky taking the shield. And it would make a pretty nice moment for Cap to return to life in time to lead the re-united Avengers to victory against their biggest threat. And the gauntlet is the easiest way to bring him back. It all is