
I keep admiring the 90s X-men cartoon more and more as I keep seeing comic movies make questionable adaptions.
Sometimes instead of grounding things or making them more realistic you need your villian to be this massive monster with the voice of God, rather than the voice/characteristics of a Bond villian (Apocalypse)

James, is there any plans for a rundown of what the best (and worst) titles to come out of the relaunch?

Everyone looks like an action figure melting in the microwave.

At least he has another job to fall back on

Boom. +1

I’m on board, but it’s an interesting turn. I thought they were heavily implying in GotG that his dad was the Beyonder.

“I’ll get crucified for saying this, but...”
may be the new
“I’m not racist, but...”

Yep. Don’t encourage me.

I’m no Eagles fan, and I generally like to pity root for the Bills, but the dickish bad karma of Rex and LeSean have definitely earned them this loss and sitting home in the playoffs.

So, if we can convince ISIS to start space exploration.....

I guess they weren’t far off last year, they were around .500.
But it feels like the Padres last year, where it looks like they are going to kinda “go for it” with a couple big additions but not have a sturdy enough team to be a contender and they end up in limbo of a “Meh” team, payroll, and farm system.

I’d love someone to put up some numbers on it, but I recall reading somwhere that the film spike is essentially nonexistent.

Well this definitely felt all along more like a story arc than a change to the status quo. It never felt like Spidey-Ock or Falcon-Cap, where it seemed like they were just going to let someone take the mantle for a while. It’s more just a “means to an end”.

I like this move. I’ve always thought that the problem with Spiderman is that he needs to be 2 different characters simultaneously.
—Kids love Spiderman. And Teen Spidey is pretty much a Disney channel show with the problems with girls/bullies/classes/etc.
—But a lot of people have grown up with Spiderman, and outgrown

Lakers fans had a large presence in the Verizon center. Lakers fans are dicks. In other news, water is wet.
It’s the same for most Nationals and Redskin games. Less than 40% of DC residents were born or grew up here, so there is no strong fan base. People arrive with decades of allegiance of other teams, and they keep

Considering they were working Jaguars & 49ers games, I think the NFL was already trying to hide them.

“Look, I’m far from a homer” always proceeds logic-gymnastics to defend someone/something undefendable.

“As long as he doesn’t break the law or hurt another person”

Wasn’t he already in the doghouse for drunk driving and beating his girlfriend?

because they wanted the movie finished before 2034.

Good to see Hurricane Helms finding work.