
I had a similiar experience with Miller. I thought that Sin City was a great stylized satire of crime noir.....but after reading the rest of his stuff, I think he just likes whore and is terrible at dialogue.

Indeed. That is A+ insult game right there.

Russell is low profile. White people like their black athletes like 1950s children “seen but not heard”.

Take your pills and go to bed, grandpa. You’re starting to lose it.

Maybe. I’m sure I didn’t see more than a year or two of his career, I just remember him having like a 4:1 interception to TD ratio at some point. I feel like there was a QB carosel of Vick, Glennan, and Taylor for a little while and they all seemed like trainwrecks.
But I was casually watching the games, so I’m sure I

There’s only one Egyptian God I’m interested in seeing onscreen:

In Tony’s defense, Washington just won the division a couple years ago—-in a slightly less mediocre NL East—after going 3-6.
So it’s not impossible, but his team didn’t help him much; even 2-5 would have put them in a decent place.

“SIDS fucking terrifies me”
Absolutely. My child is 8 months old, and I check on her throughout the night and during every nap, and make sure she’s breathing.
I’ve done it for 200+ days, and i’ll probably do it for at least another 200.
Of course after reading this, I’m now terrified of her naps at daycare.

Sports writers: “Young QBs are failing because they are being rushed on the field for bad teams by bad coaches and not given a fair shot. Look at Brady/Rodgers/Insertname—they sat back and took the time to learn.

Sports writers: “Why havent the Browns been playing Manziel in every game, forever? They have a bad team

At least it was an opposing fan. I’ve been bracing myself for Carolina to turn on Cam’s showboating. They like their black people a little more.... submissive.

“I didn’t have great answers for her”
It seems like these things always stem from people unable to talk to their kids.

when you let it be known that you hate it ... which only increases the chance people use it.
Ask the “muscle hampster”

Man, I’m shocked by Taylor. I watched a lot of him in college (my roomate was a VT fan) and I doubted he would even make it to the NFL, much less start a game...or be competent/good(?) as a starter.

You need to turn down the saturation Zach; this isn’t quite depressingly grayscale. You’re getting sloppy, man.

That’s what I thought when I read that.
“You know guys.... I’m starting to think these ISIS-DAESH guys may be jerks...”

Based on the history of Anonymous, we are about to have a lot of innocent people mistakenly labeled as terroritsts soon.

If you don’t mind, I will be leaving to change my birthname to George WashingtonLibertyJesus America.

I hope this is good. It feels a little contrived.
Jessica Jones & Cage are around if they want to tell a story about balancing parenting and superheroes.

This feels a little bit like a meeting went like:
“Hey guys....any ideas for Spider-Woman?”
“Can we replace her?”
“Umm....can we make her pregnant or something?”

That’s good about the Pirates games. I’ve been to MLB games in 3 different cities and never gone through a metal detector. But the NFL game that I went to did have the wand, at least.

I know the plan not to evacuate saved a lot of lives, but I think the frisking the bomber contributed as much or more.
I’m glad that was done; I’m rarely frisked or walk through metal detectors at US events. In this situation, it may have saved many many lives.

Personally, I feel like Cam Newton and his growing swagger is “the story” of the NFL this year. He’s not putting up Brees-Brady cartoon numbers but he’s doing enough. He’s staying composed at the right times, and he took over from Steve Smith in the “charismatically talking crap & backing it up” role.
Between the sign