
This times a thousand. Just keep your mouth shut.

When you’re friends with Ben Affleck, it is so easy to not be “the douchey one”. And you’re still fucking it up, Matt.

God, I love when comments are “I haven’t seen ___ but I think it’s bad”

You definitely “got” words, unfortunately they are excessive and pointless.

If you haven’t read the full Post article referenced above, you should immediately. It’s a good read and really dissects the spiral of the season through mistakes of both Rizzo & Williams.

I think it was a perfect storm of 3 things
Injuries: missing 3 of the top 4 top offensive players (based on WAR) due to injury.

I am glad it’s out in the public now, because it increases the chances that MW will not return.
I feel bad for the guy, but i knew he shouldn’t have been hired. Rizzo wanted a hand picked “yes man”, and put a playoff contending, massive payroll team in the hands of someone with almost no coaching experience of any

Not really. If every other coach lets the starters know the night before (if they have the night off) so they can adapt their schedule/workout/whatever, it’s a problem. But it’s mostly symptomatic of the larger issue is that Matt Williams seems completely unable or unwilling to communicate with his team about

I’m not pro-or anit-fun, but this still feels borderline trahsy.
I think it’s a judgement call. It depends on the situation.

I’m ok with Machado pimping the go-ahead run against the Nats. He shouldn’t have been beaned over Papabon for that. And Bryce was right to say he shouldn’t have been hit.

This I’m mixed on. With a

I can’t tell if this is an adult or a 10 year old kid. If it’s a kid, even more impressive.
I don’t recognize the name; is he the guy from “Hot tub time machine”?

What about the Mole Women?

The website itself is—of course—outdated and silly, but I really like some of the graphics & illustrations on that website. I even find parts of their logo (branding is important in a cult) pretty charming.

My problem with using broad statistics to make the dicision is that it doesnt factor in the particular situation.
It doesn’t factor in the offensive deficiencies like a team that ranks in the bottom half of MLB in average and hits per game. And this lineup was mostly 2nd string players, and weaker than usual. Or that

I thought they were socks, too. Those cant be pants.

God I hope this poor schmuck wasn’t on a date.

He must be a pitcher, not a catcher.

I hate to defend Matt Williams ever. But he had the right call, Nats (Desi) just didn’t execute.
It was no outs. If that isnt the worst bunt ever, the runners are on 2nd and 3rd with only 1 out, and you can tie the game with a outfield pop-up, and you have 2 chances to get a hit.

Desmond doesnt hit into double plays,

No outs. If it isn’t a double play, the runners are on 2nd and 3rd with only 1 out, and you can tie the game with a outfield pop-up, and you have 2 chances to get a hit.
Right call. wrong execution.

Even factoring the 2 mediocre years, they are still the 4th most winning(est?) NL team in the last 4 years. I don’t think The Washington football team has been around that in 25-30 years.

I’ll save everyone some time. This is most of the opinion articles

Yep. I think it says a lot that Harper has the full support/respect from 9/10ths of the National fans... or the people that watch him bust his ass, and carry the team 150+ games a year. A lot of these judgements seem to be coming from people that have seen him in 2 or 3 games and read a sound bite.

I think at this

I don’t doubt that is returning at some time, in some capacity.
But is there anything about the set photos to indicate that it isn’t any kind of flashback?