
the literal fuck is my favorite fuck.

You say Raiders fan, but you have the spelling and grammar of an Eagles fan.

That was my thought (based on the mere 5 days that i’ve been there).
If there is any place that doesn’t need to be extorted to keep a sports team it’s San Diego. You’ll be alright... because it’s friggin San Diego

What the fuck kind of Jetsons-Biodome shit is this?!

No Rob Liefeld....

I would give him the benefit of the doubt if he had a lot of filmmaking experience, but a 20 year old with one movie (with a budget lower than some tv commercials) under his belt.

I’m amazed how tone deaf the makers of this movie are to ignore Sue Storm in the midst of the “female superheroes get ignored in movies” dialogue that has been going on for the last 3-5 years.

Trank can blame the studio, but it’s hard to get a single digit rotten tomatoes score without being fundamentally flawed at every level. And as writer and director it’s a hard sell that he isn’t at least mostly responsible.

If by “A Batman Trilogy”, they mean “acting”. And by “directing” they mean “quitting” then I’m on board.

I agree. Although I think there is a way to do the origin for them (or any superhero movie) though flashbacks and make it work.
Superhero origin stories bog down the movie. If they had the first 30 minutes with the team on an scientific exploration and showed flashbacks through each character’s viewpoint, they could

Are you sure, because they seem to shot at the same clothing store?

When your choices are “he got his ass kicked”, or “he was totally beating up that 46 year old man” there is no winning option.

I like the tone, and self-awareness of this, but the deadpool mask makes me uncomfortable.
The leather/vinyl look of the mask is giving a distractingly gimp vibe.

“The decision makes Trump the ninth candidate (out of 16) to which the DNC is devoting such resources”

So they find him the 9th-most “serious’ candidate. Now that, I can see.

How about a spouse swap. My wife doesn’t close cabinet doors. Cabinet doors!
My entire existence is like an obstacle course. Half-asleep in the morning? Great — now, try to make your coffee while dodging shit at forehead-level.

Well the Mets had tried to trade for the Brewers’ ground crew, but the deal fell through.

I think it was just a Marlins fan in the stands.
Things like that are really noticeable when your attendence in 17 people.

Yeah, they’re doing great. That’s why Oakland is known for its safety and tranquility.