
Agreed. Their marketing seems both excessive and desperate.
I think the problem is that they haven’t quite figured out the theme/tone that they want to convey. I don’t think it has the strong identity that Gaurdians or Cap 3 had.

FWIW, the Age of Ultron that I saw had one.

It could have gone worse.

Aww, that’s cute..... They thing a Fant4stic Four sequel is going to happen.

I’m all for avoiding the sequel pitfall of packing in too many characters.
But, if I don’t get a movie with Nova (either Richard Rider or Sam Alexander is fine) I’m going to send James Gunn a giant box of dog poo.

It’s like the people who were upset about changing Mandarin in Iron Man.
The character is a racist caricature, and the best thing for the movie is if they completely rethink the character.
Another one-dimensional magical Mr. Miyagi cliche isn’t doing any favors to Asian actors or movie goers.

The depictions of sex, and somewhat women in general are a little cringe-worthy, but the book didn’t feel as appalling as the stats indicate.

I think it’s how they’re presented. In the books (granted i’m only through 4 of the 5) it’s used as background or side information like “The [group] have overrun [place] they are

It wouldn’t have worked with Fractions story anyway. He presented him as a slacker everyman. And that previous carnival robin hood costume would have just felt silly.

I bet there were heated debates on the message boards (which of course were wooden boards with messages carved in it).

Better than the teammate at 0:14 that gets completely leveled.

Likewise. Whenever I don’t see BW on something (which is always), I check and see if Hawkeye is included. If they’re both omitted, they went with the A-listers and I get it. But when you have 5/6th of a team (and sometimes a villain) it really stands out.

He also hired a new agent.

The terrible Watchman followups showed that nothing is above a hastily churned out DC cash grab .

I was surprised how the experience was. It is fine if you don’t think of it as a comedy.
I watched the entire season and did not laugh once, but I still kept tuning in to see how this situation played out (my wife bailed after one episode). I like that instead of making it a Gilligan’s Island type of thing, that the

I really don’t want to be here

The Deadshot (with the mask) is the only look I like.
I’m not sure why we’re supposed to believe that people wear red capes, Bat ears, or glow green from head to toe, but our super villains have to be dressed like they went shopping at a thrift store.

Wait...so it’s a series about a book of less than 50 (different) words.... about a character’s dislike of a particular food. I’m sure they need all 13 episodes to tell this tale.


I know I’m in the minority, but I prefer “white” Vision over the “every color in a crayon box” version.