Dan Seitz

Porn, cheap beer, advanced weapons technology, Twitter... 2016 is tailor-made for Duke.

Funny how when Sony gets an actual filmmaker, Larry Fessenden, to make “cinematic” games, they don’t get mired in “mundane gameplay.”

To be fair, in the original game the boss fights were farmed out to another company, and there WAS a trick to each of them. I died laughing when I punched out the final boss with a standard takedown.

I dunno, I think if you’re showing up for a lethal playthrough, you kind of miss the point of the game. Each level is an elaborate knot to thread. Not that I'm above popping some jerk in the head, mind you, but teasing apart the solutions of each level is why I show up.

Don’t forget the new takedowns. If you’re crouching behind cover and do a non-lethal takedown, Adam leads with a punch to the nuts.

Yeah, back in the old days, we did this shit in person.

While I find the smug justifications of veganism to be incredibly tiresome and the science behind it being better unmitigated garbage, we should acknowledge that some societies have vegan traditions going back thousands of years, here.

If I know Mary Worth, this ain’t gonna end well.

To be fair we’re dealing with three very different corporate philosophies here. Nintendo is exceptionally conservative: Their business model is about taking cheap parts that already exist and refining a great product out of them; it’s why they’re always last to market in any business but absolutely murder the

It’s also somewhat torpedoed by the fact that you can run Linux-based platforms OVER Windows 10 in the Anniversary Update. So basically you can carve MS out of your gaming experience entirely if you really want.

It seems pretty obvious that the “distance” is “in-game” distance, not real world movement. Combine that with the fact that it’s not very good at checking GPS and you probably lose a lot of distance.”

Without an analysis of their home life and other circumstances it’d be pretty pointless, TBH. The entire problem with “VIDEO GAMES CAUSE X” is that it basically assumes that a kid being handed a violent video game is the cause of the problem, not the symptom of the problem. If a kid is using threatening language,

Sure, but no gamer is saying they should. So what’s the point of even bringing it up?

It’s a stupid belief that has powerful friends. In the wake of Sandy Hook, Wayne LaPierre, head of the NRA, got up in front of reporters and blamed, no kidding, Mortal Kombat for the shootings of children.

Also, unfortunately, Bushman is suspect.

It’s really during the summer than Sony’s heavy, heavy investment in indie games becomes apparently.

I dunno, in the grand scheme of things, if Twitch is OK with games where you gorily blow demons apart with a shotgun, some man-on-man ass-slapping should seem pretty tame.

There’s a genuinely interesting breakout that of course I can’t fucking find now that looked at blue-collar white Democrats and found them overwhelmingly for Hillary.

I don’t buy Trump doing anything that might be interpreted as a “submissive” act (I don’t believe this about oral, but Trump’s an asshole, sooooo...)

I’m sure the day-one DLC didn’t help, but the fact that every online-multiplayer-only game has come out, struggled, and the sequels all have single player modes if they didn’t before (Titanfall for example) says it all.

Meh, all the bootleg sports merch in Boston is green anyway. Or pink. Side, note, I hope whoever invented the term “pink hat” is tarred and feathered in Hell by Yawkey.