
I don’t get why they don’t come clear coated from the factory. The benefit of stainless steel is not that it’s stainless. It’s that it won’t rust (as fast). If you paint it with a high quality factory applied clear coat, they wouldn’t stain. It’s all so stupid. BTW I’m a retired product design engineer, and when I

Thank you my man. You are kryptonite to ‘always that guy’.

I really like it, although I’d never drive it, and I’m in my 60s. Not a big fan of the colors, but the styling looks both attractive and different. Tesla looks boring to me. I’m a big critic of the cookie cutter look sedans and SUVs have taken in the last 25 years. It has been a horribly boring design spell in the

Part of it is that you can’t see well on the road because there are so many SUVs and trucks. The car companies have an solution for you. Buy an SUV or truck. Oh the safety factor, too. With all those SUVs and trucks on the road, how can a man protect his family? The car companies...

An F750 that weighs 16 tons? They weigh less than 6,000 pounds. What the heck was he carrying?

I think you have higher requirements than just “fun on and off road”. The obvious choice is a Wrangler, one of the funnest cars I’ve ever driven. Take the top and the doors off, and you are the funnest thing on the road. I’d never buy one again, nor recommend one for a host of other reasons. I drive a 2012 Tacoma now,

I wouldn’t be caught dead in it. I might buy it for a new driver, but that’s about it. Four doors are two too many.

Kids and cargo. The driver’s side doors are the most used in a van. When shopping for example, that’s the door you would use.

LEO usually only does the fun stuff, like car chases.

I’m a liberal, and every truck I’ve ever owned has been lifted, except my current truck, a Tacoma. Tacomas already look lifted. I also have a lowered Camaro. Never voted for a Republican in my life, nor will I ever.

I, too, vote left. I don’t call myself a Democrat - I’m more progressive. More like Bernie type politics. I have never voted GOP in my life, and have been turning a wrench since I got my Kawasaki 90 in 1974. I’m also a veteran, a 19D cav scout active duty for 4 years.

Half of these are not sports cars. I own a Camaro, and don’t consider it a sports car. Come on, now. 

I’d put a 2" lowering kit on it, and leave the rest the way it is.

There is a lot of luck buying ANY car, let alone a used one. I always buy “almost new.” My current daily is a 2011 Tacoma I bought used with one month left on its drivetrain warranty. That was ten years ago. That vehicle is reliable, and by reliable I mean ZERO repairs. Only maintenance. Over the course of two years,

Did I miss something? Its a road trip. Bold was riding my Honda Interceptor 1750 miles with $50 in my pocket.

I’m generally not annoyed by the full sized junk trucks the kids drive (with exhaust removed, usually). I was a kid once, and did dumb things, too. At least they are turning a wrench. The trucks that annoy me are the EXPENSIVE ones, the $70k grocery haulers that will never see a day of work until their pampered owners

I’m not so sure. My neighbors are very conservative religious types. One of their kids dives a BIG diesel truck he has no use for. He just likes trucks, and he is still a stupid kid. His parents don’t drive stuff like that.

I agree with everything you have to say, except about the neighbors. Around here dirt bike tracks are about as common as neighbors complaining about them. Its noise. If you ever had a neighbor whose dog barks incessantly, taking away the peace and quiet of the whole neighborhood... get a bark collar already.

FINALLY something that looks good and different at the same time. The cookie cutter look of modern cars BORING.

TBF all European cars have a reputation for reliability problems. I wouldn’t single Volvo out.