Please tell me this is coming out on the PS4, as well...
Please tell me this is coming out on the PS4, as well...
So wait... for colorblind people, it’s not only harder to read the sentence, but the sentence itself completely changes? That’s wild, yo.
I played through this scene the other night and loved it, but serious question - is it possible to beat her score? If so, anything interesting happen?
I wondered this same thing! Problem solved!
Wait - I have a question: I have an Intel i7 processor running at 3.2 GHz, and according to the Oculus Compatibility Checker, that’s not good enough... are the CPU requirements for the Vive lower than that of the Oculus?
Not Elevator Action... I believe that’s Impossible Mission II on the Commodore 64. Freakin’ loved that game.
I believe, unfortunately, that the answer is yes. I am farsighted and had the same concerns... since I cannot focus on things near me, would I be able to focus on the screens? I then read somewhere that being nearsighted serves no advantage with VR... whatever kind of vision you have in real life will translate to the…
I don’t know! To be honest, I’m not even sure I recall for which puzzle this one was for... the pieces that have the up-arrows had to be oriented in that direction, and the ones with the circles could be rotated... in fact, I don’t even think that’s the correct “board” for those particular pieces (I did alot of…
This stuck out the most to me, as well. Perhaps Colburn found Halbach’s car with her murdered inside (by who knows,) called his boss, and together they came up with a plan to pin it on Avery? Sadly, unless someone completely cracks, we will probably never know the entirety of the real events as they occurred. I…
If you were unaware, Lucas himself paid homage to that hilarious mistake by having it happen to Jango Fett as he enters the Slave I in Attack of the Clones (this is the best version I could find online...)
Sloopydrew - do not worry about it, there is no need to start the game over. I knew about the settlement-crafting business from a video I watched before even starting the game, and I am intentionally putting it off until much later (I, too, am about 10 hours in.) It is not a requirement at all - and all the locations…
Replace “[rec]” with “the Ring,” and the list is complete.
I actually agree with you - buying and selling property is a bitch.
This is GREAT! As a 44-year old, I definitely fall more under the “Star Wars changed my whole freakin’ life” category, but I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to hear about the kind of impact this film made on those a bit younger than me. You’re description of playing made-up games in the basement, etc. - HA! We…
Hey Stephen - not to sound too nitpicky, but it’s “amiibo,” not “Amiibo.”
Whether or not a film is good is purely subjective. People are not “wrong” in their opinions about a movie. A movie being good or bad cannot ever be a “truth.”
Pac-Man amiibo available for pre-order at!! GO!
This is a previously unpublished interview with Time, in which Iwata reveals a bit more information about their take on free-to-play microtransactions, etc. I had not heard this before, and have interest on how this all pans out over time. You are not being forced to read the article.