Dan Schmiedeler

This is exactly why I get annoyed when people complain about there not being enough Wii U games, or that Nintendo takes too long to roll them out. Nintendo-published games almost *never* have ridiculous bugs like these. They take their time to iron-out all the kinks before releasing them - good ol' fashioned genuine

Hey, no article on Kotaku today about the 3DS update & the home screen themes? It's pretty nifty, I think. :)

He's got the smile down perfectly!

There's something not right about his expression. It's too blank, or something... I think it's his eyes/eyebrows. I dunno... I usually love these things, but this one doesn't quite do it for me.

Another idea that was suggested to me quite awhile ago... if you are using DHCP, set the range of IP addresses that get handed out to a higher number range... instead of allocating a range of say 1 to 20, instead, make it like 100 to 120. If hackers can't get hold of an IP address in the lower range, they might give

If this kind of hover technology were ever actually invented, something tells me its first application would probably be something other than a hoverboard for kids.

Wow, thanks for posting this! The 1987 Mac version almost brought tears of nostalgia to my eyes — I used to play it on my Mac SE!

I doubt I'll get many, if any, agrees on this one, but for me it's:

Here is what you can expect in Akihabara that morning:

What a doll! I love those tracking shots, too - were those done with a Steadicam, or something?

Yeah, I remember when I was about that age I once made a board game called "Assassinate the President." In it, you moved around a little 3D maze of rooms made out of construction paper (representing the White House,) and tried to make your way past guards, etc. until reaching the goal of the Oval Office, at which

Sweet - just 300 more coins to go, and I can get this bad boy! I just hope the gold nun-chuck doesn't show up again for 900 points before then... that would be a very difficult choice for me. :)

I'll admit, I will sometimes get frustrated with a game to the point where I'll yell and swear. Never playing with anyone else, though - just by myself. Strangely enough, it's mostly Nintendo games that do it to me — and I think the reason why is because I know whenever I fail, it is 100% my fault. Super Mario 3D

Oh cool - saves you those extra couple of steps - good to know!

Tari Tari. I frequently mention this little trick: 1) Drag image from the webpage to your desktop. 2) Open images.google.com 3) Drag the image from your desktop to the google images page. 4) Get answer.

Now playing

Here's the official video for that song, btw - from one of my favorite animators "Cyriak"