
Hey, do you have any hot dogs on you?

The Ullllllllltimate Burger

then lick its chops in anticipation.

A child today has such high expectations for entertainment

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

I think the point was that you can’t swap booze if the drink is sealed.

I’m 32 and I distinctly remember this comic being on my parent’s fridge when I was a very small child. This is the first time since then that I’ve seen it.

Well you see, when a little black kid and a little white kid with Jello get together, out pops a cow!

This is so good.  Gen-X still appreciates the who-gives-a-fuck beauty of the ‘90s.  Nihilism is practically baked into the cake.

I’m a young Gen-X, or xennial, so same thing.  You’re probably more Gen-X’ish, since most of the millennial bashing seems to be aimed at those ten years younger than you.

As a Boomer, and a really old one, I love this response to Old Climate Deniers. Having said that, I’ve always understood these generation labels to be misleading categorizations. The functional divide here, across all of these labeled generations, is the one between fact-based and faith-based ideation. Climate is

Hmm. must have been inspired by the ranch hose at “Guy Fieri’s.”

I’ve reached the age where strangers trying to convince me how cool their playlist is annoys the crap out of me.

These are people who adore Marmite.

Hey everyone - If you install ublock origin, go to its settings, select My Filters, and then paste:


Now playing

Speaking of Bill Cosby PSAs, this one that was shared on Jon Oliver’s show is, in retrospect, mind blowing (they show it right away, so you don’t have to watch the whole thing):

gripping my shit between my fingers like I’m some fapper smoking from a cigarette holder