
This year’s winner of Upper Class Twit Of The Year and next Minister of Silly Walks.

Strategic kitten reserves are a staple of any good party.

This put a smile on my face ten miles wide.

Is the cherry pie actually famous

More like Dustin Checks Out, amirite?

He was walking rather gingerly, though. 

I cant speak for Tyler Skaggs obviously but when I saw oxycodone AND Fentanyl were the drugs in his body, it led me to this possible conclusion. Most people that overdose from fentanyl dont even know they’re taking fentanyl. Oxycodone, for instance, is normally more expensive to buy bc of DEA regulations that cracked

They’re going cuckoo for Coco Gauff!

So that truck is from Illinois?

Every once in a while, there’ll be a college team that looks invincible (Alabama football, Duke basketball, etc.), and the pundits like to say, “hey, I bet this college team could beat a shitty pro team!”

We’re just here to pump...you up!

Thank you to the 6 people old enough to understand the joke.

Im good enough,

“Cheesecake gifs of Asian girls in celebration threads”

Don’t forget the macro to mark for deletion too.

Roxanne! You don’t have to put on that red hat.

Is this real life?

For food we had: Steak. Burgers. Bar-b-que. Pizza. Beer. Soda. Milkshakes. Mari-fucking-juana. A DJ. Ice cream cake.

Rolled my eyes so hard I saw my own brain.