
i think the point being made is that luke went to tatooine to rescue han & lei, its not like they took a journey together to go see the place where luke grew up.

I honestly hope you didn’t strain your back making the gigantic reach you just did. I mean, did you not notice that it was a woman who ended up saving the universe from Palpatine and the Final Order?

But it has to be Dave Chappelle playing Lil Jon.

what, exactly, does a perfectly shaped piece of shit look like?

nah, brunch was a THING in the 2000's (at least where i lived). i feel like the fad actually started simmering back down in the 2010's

but how are you watching (and fully appreciating) late night teevee without the weed?

came here to post the same sentiment, thank you!

i love it when the universe produces moments like this:

I am truly sorry for how wrong you are. American cheese on a burger is sublime. It doesn’t overpower the palate like bleu cheese or a hefty cheddar. It just blends in and provides a nice binding agent for the patty and any other toppings, plus it melts so well.

damn, you should get that checked out

I am 42 as well, and can confirm this view.

I have not thought about butter rum life savers in over 20 year, so thank you for this!

Today I learned there is a drink called Buzzballz, so thank you for that.

In my mind, the least offensive vegetable of all time is a bell pepper (green, red, yellow, orange, teal, plaid, you just can’t go wrong). It’s not necessarily the taste of celery, which is boring as hell, its just the texture. It’s just too noticeable and intrusive in many dishes its included in.

Green bean casserole is the worst part of a Thanksgiving dinner.  Including it in the rotation of side dishes is like saying someone like Greg Ostertag belongs in the starting 5 of an all-NBA team.  Bland, overrated, and just gross.

I was with you 100% until the last sentence.  Celery can fuck off now and forever.  

came to make the same comment.  i had to re-read that sentence a couple times to fully process it.

“No egg nog?”

Breakfast the day after thanksgiving at our house is stuffles (stuffing mixed with gravy and put into the waffle iron) doused with cranberry sauce instead of syrup. It is divine. The kids start talking about stuffles a few days before Thanksgiving even arrives.