
Yeah, I think you are a little too far through the looking glass here. These have been on where I live in NorCal as well, and honestly, I never even noticed the star at the end licking the food off its face, because I was too busy crying over the fact that there’s no Carl’s Jr near me where I can tear into those

Well at least one thing remains the same in the post-Spanfellyptic world is that Kinja still fools one into posting comments on the wrong article.  It’s the small, comforting things that get one through the day.

This will never, EVER, get old. I truly laugh every time its posted somewhere!  “Served with a side of Bud Light you have to wring out of a Hawaiian shirt.”

You forgot to add “Four chicken wings fried hard over pork fried rice.”  Only way I’ve ever heard it ordered. 

came here to point this out as well, it might be my favorite typo ever.

came to make the Drew comment, so, well done!

bathroom Rangoon, things of that nature.

11 years old is when my mom introduced me to Monty Python, so you are spot on with the timing. I think the Flying circus was sometimes on PBS, but we definitely rented out the VHS tapes from the library. Also, Life of Brian was on HBO back in like ‘87, and I read the TV Guide to find out when it would be on next, and

4. Randy

when the McRib first debuted, it was so popular because it was so different than the standard McD’s fare. the internet wasn’t around to tell people, “no, that’s not what a proper BBQ rib sandwich should be like!” and plus it was convenient because it was fast food. i really wish i could have one, but alas none near me

that’s one of the best typos ever! and since we moved from BROOKLYN (Clinton Hill represent!) to CA 8 years ago, I can say the same thing applies out here. although fire season is currently making me have to be a bit more, um, “with it”.....

I am 41 and am fairly certain i could beat C.C. Sabathia in a mile race.

I wanna somehow nab some press credentials and ask him how he can legitimately say that the governor of a state that he doesn’t even reside in should “stay in his lane” and focus on homelessness and Mexico, while he is nothing more than basketball coach who just gave advice on how the governor of the largest state in

couldn’t resist. he’s just so adorable!

So there ARE others like me!! We’re about to hit 16 years in little over a week, and have 2 boys, 12 and 13. Truly dunno how I am surviving....

if only “Find a local ISP that uses their lines and charges less than half.” was as easy as you make it sound. my only options are literally xfinity or AT&T.

He’s one of my all-time favorites, dating back many years, but DAMN if Jericho isn’t looking like Axl Rose in his pre-match outfit. Of course, GnR is my favorite all-time rock band, so present day Axl was the first thing I thought of when he came out.

LOL, as if the candy aisle where you load up on curly wurlys, flakes, twirls, etc isn’t also teeming with sugar ;)

“Maybe there’s a better name for where these items could be grouped?”

no F’ing doubt that it hit the bat first, that is some straight up nonsense. but it’s the playoffs i guess and the umps (for real?) don’t wanna be the ones to decide it. shit’s gonna be shitty, no matter what.