
It’s great to take that view, but its just not the reality of the world that many Americans live in.  

The dropped third strike rule isn’t obscure at all, anyone who has played/coached little league is FULLY aware of it.  Same with bunting a foul ball with 2 strikes.

Or is this just fantasy?

“it doesn’t make him Ozzie Smith, John Dorsey or Ron Wolf.”

Or perhaps the import/export business.

You need at least 6 for a proper measure with respect to degrees of freedom.

“As a general rule, sports leagues shouldn’t be weighing in as judges and juries on sexual assault because, not only are their leaders vastly unqualified to conduct these investigations or issue penalties, but their actions can cause more harm than good. Why bother coming forward when one of the most powerful sports

Except that a large part of this country has no idea what a Wawa is, so I’m not sure why a fight would be necessary.  But keep up that Eagles fan stereotype that Drew mentioned! ;)

in the last week of preseason where any starters are expected to play”

“So, those guys with bears are too lazy to shave.”

“journeyman starter Vicente Padilla, long-tenured Giants shortstop Brandon Crawford, reliably soggy veteran innings-eater Jason Vargas” 

starred simply for “I am a vegetable.”

FFS, just call Florida Man!  He’ll figure it out one way or another...

came for the reference to this skit, left satisfied.

I’ve never been on MadTV either

Its been 100+ degrees in Napa the last few days where they are having training camp, so its obvious the man has no concept of sunblock. I am all in on dwarf star Gruden by the end of the season!

I can’t scroll thru all 300+ comments, so I am just just gonna say Trailer Park Boys season 7. Was meant to be the finale, but then they revived it 7 years later. Finally seeing everyone not end up fucked was pleasant, and it was funny as hell along the way.

Go take a cold shower and rethink your life choices.