As it pertains to this story, the drive-thru was probably the only option, as this incident happened at 1:40am. Most Taco Bells have locked their doors at that point.
As it pertains to this story, the drive-thru was probably the only option, as this incident happened at 1:40am. Most Taco Bells have locked their doors at that point.
I mean, they didn’t screw up the Mayfield and Ward picks last year. There is no offensive talent in the draft this year that they would take at the 17th pick that can do what OBJ can do, so holy crap, they actually seem to know what they are doing?
Thanks for sharing, I guess?
I saw the Directionless Dildos at CBGB’s back in the day, man. Killer show.
I WILL fight you, but only if you disagree to this caveat: your theory only applies to dry goods. I will NEVER let a 20-year-old clerk pick out my veggies, fruits, or meat. Mainly because (many moons ago) I WAS that person, and knew fuck all about how pick out that stuff, as I had never shopped for those things at…
I’ll give you San Mateo and Concord, but DEFINITELY not Rohnert Park.
he’s just owning his Kinja name, so yeah, he’s living the online life a little TOO hard.
A giant fucking al pastor burrito, with a side of mole sauce to dip the accompanying tortilla chips in. Food coma sets in about an hour later then its off to dreamland, no more sadness to be found.
Inglewood! Inglewood, always up to no good....
The new one cropping up for me lately is when a commenter posts an image and I click to enlarge, I can’t close it, and the article will scroll in the background as if the the image did in fact close. I am then forced to hit back and reload the article to pick up where i left off. Good times.
he went there for Bronny to go to a specific school to play ball. that’s why his deal is 4 years. yes, all the other ways to build his brand there are true, but his kid’s hoop life was at least reason 1b.
If you ain’t first, you’re last.
We need to create a new stat just for his season, the Below Average Replacement Fool. BARF indeed.
We need to create a new stat just for his season, the Below Average Replacement Fool. BARF indeed.
I said this same thing when he signed that 4 yr contract. just like the rumors out of the olympics that he bosh and wade wanted to play together came true, so will this, barring a catastrophic injury
yeah but the facts are the the facts. in every other situation (especially in Cleveland) with supposedly crap rosters, they still made the playoffs, and then of course the Finals. (and Lue was essentially his hand picked coach after Blatt, so can’t say he didn’t like him)
I was going to say that, but The Model and Arrogance didn’t happen til the 90's, and this came out in the 80's. Perhaps WWF stole from Punch Out years later? Is this the Twilight Zone?