
Isn’t he a Cardinals fan?

Come on, the San Diego Chicken doesn’t come to mind?!?!

I saw that he carded a great 3rd round so I tuned in on Sunday afternoon to see if business might pick up, but yeah, he was totally gassed from having to complete his 3rd round Sunday morning, and then go out and play another 18.

you are right, it is fine. the reason is has a such a mystique is that they only make once a year and serve it only for 3 weeks. it’s all marketing. if it was made year round, like the elder, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.


Did you just reference a 12-year-old post?  You think its still relevant?

10th rule (we don’t talk about rule 9): If you get the wrong coat back, you simply nod and offer a soft “Thank you, sir.”

Um, this happens every damn year at the all-star game.

Yes! Pesto sauce in a ice cube tray allows for easy portioning!

So what?  So let’s dance!!!

I just watched this for like the 50th time last night! All these years later, I still am amazed they decided to break the 4th wall, just for that scene. So great.

I got issued a new card because of fraud prevention, which coincidentally was the card the gym had on file.  Easiest way to quit the gym ever!

“The theory is you’re supposed to pay down debts, save for retirement AND pay for any offspring’s college all at the same damn time! Who came up with this lunacy?”

Ahhh, thank you. I TOTALLY forgot that’s what those dudes were called.

“is Mitchell Robinson, an ent with hops.”

Responds to comment about beloved celebrities, lists people named Lil Uzi, Lil Dicky, Taco, and then Robert Kraft.

My company has a client with the last name Bonewell. He insists is pronounced “Bonny-well.

You mentioned it in the article, Ninja Gaiden. Couldn’t beat it as a kid, and still haven’t in the last 15+ year I’ve had it on an emulator.