
Ironically, the Confederacy’s greatest general, Robert E. Lee was a staunch abolitionist. But he so strongly felt that the way the Constitution was written was that States Rights were more beholden than Federal Rights. He supposedly agonized 0ver it, and even the Union was begging him to stay with them, but he

Wait, wait, wait: Am I reading this right? Hannity wants his viewers to complain to Fox Corporate because Bill Shine voluntarily resigned from the network and because Hannity is about to submit his own voluntarily resignation? Um, if an employee elects to leave a job of their own voluntary act, what the heck is Fox

Yes and no. For the CSA definitely and they Lincoln’s election as an attack on that. But the North wasn’t all that likely to outlaw slavery in any immediate way and were initially pretty clear that maintaining the Union was their goal. They moved more towards emancipation as the war went on (which had a mixed

“Other than golf, [Trump] considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy.”

This comes from Rupert, not the sons. The reason for this is because Murdoch wants ownership of Sky in the UK, and he can’t get that without proving that he is a “fit and proper person.” In order to do that, he’s absolutely willing to let go of his stable of ageing and highly expensive conservative stars at Fox for

They were so stupid not to fight to keep Megyn Kelly. Sources said she would have stayed if he were ousted and she got his spot. They knew the law suits were piling up. And she was a recognizable name. Instead they renewed Bill’s contract.

The training staff will have to answer for this.... earlier in the week, all the trainer told the media was that Noah had a bad toothache.

I’m not a lawyer, nor do I play one on tv, but I would love it if there was a way for the Sandy Hook parents to sue him for everything. Defamation?

Hirono is right on the money. “Island in the Pacific” is clearly meant to imply “foreign” and “non-white” to Sessions/Trump’s supporters. In a way it’s almost subtle by their usual standards.

Hawaii’s statehood was delayed for a number of years by Southern conservatives who were appalled at the prevalence of miscegenation there, most notably Sam Rayburn. You think Jefferson Beauregard Sessions thinks that Hawaii is really part of the United States? When he was growing up it was nothing but a military

Maybe he’s actually super woke and he’s referring to the deposed sovereign Hawaiian monarchy as the rightful authority in Hawaii? Not likely, but one can only hope.

As many have said before me, it’s not like Hawaii has any experience with attacks by foreigners, and yet people there remain committed to American ideals. Besides, wasn’t President* Trump born on an island in an ocean? What right does he have to keep immigrants from the mainland?

“It’s a bit odd to hear criticism over what gets put into the Thames, from a collection of people who once a year purposefully dye their river an even more putrid shade of green.”

I thought it was because George screwed up his swing...

Both turn women into sex objects. The one because he talks about (and likely does) grab their sexual parts, and the other because he cannot even fathom spending time with a woman *without* it being sexual in nature (and therefore disloyal to his wife).

That’s not being faithful. That’s being insulting to women.

Okay but its important to recognise that a book about Trump’s “inevitable” impeachment stimulates the same parts of the brain in a Democrat (or otherwise-aligned anti-Trumper) as a right-wing radio host screaming “OBAMA’S GERN TAKE YER GUNS!” does in a Trumpeter.

What I find ironic is that didn’t Glenn Beck break with a bunch of other conservatives in his anti-Trump stand, in part because he felt he wasn’t a true conservative? So now someone else breaks with the traditional conservatives, justifies it as “it’s not real conservatism if you want to regulate people’s bodies but

Weird, I thought being rude and ignorant was a selling point for a conservative media personality.

16th Century?

Mike Pence feels uncomfortable with its permissive social mores. Roll it back another 300 years, Mother!