
Corbyn has to be a meglomaniac.

One who hates Jews and may deny the Holocaust, even.

Betcha as soon as the Dems get enough control and get a president into power after this goon, a whole bunch of new rules and shit are going to be introduced to stop the behaviour that, previously, no one thought to make the actual law because no one thought someone like Trump, with his grossly unethical and

That’s how it works now. Trump goes off to one of his properties, dragging a huge staff along with him, and the government has to pay for their room and board. He gets the profit. It is rather an ingenious con, and one of the reasons someone should take a closer look at the Emoluments Clause.

If Trump doesn’t do drugs, then what are amphetamines?

He also seems to have a hangup about sleeping places — he will sleep at Mar-A-Lago, at Trump Tower NYC, maaaybe at his golf courses in NJ and VA (not sure about those) and, apparently, now at the White House (but never more than 3 days in a row, so maybe he’s not sleeping?). Remember that time he flew to his golf

At least Corbyn didn’t just join the Party last week and become leader and then immediately quit when he lost.

Some parallels could be drawn to some supporters of a certain socialist on the US side of the pond...(ducks and runs)

An aspiring singer among servers in NYC grabs at a chance to get discovered.

Everybody is starving and hungry to sit in front of a camera and talk

Machado is a FA after this year. There is a microscopic chance that they pursue both agressively and if I were a betting man I’d say they put more effort into Machado than Bryce.

There’s only one reasonable thing to do with the source code. Replace all unit graphics with penises.

Two Corinthians walked into a bar...

Everytime I see Bannon, I think he’s the evil doppelganger of WC Fields - gin blossoms and all.

Apart from his likely amphetamine consumption, Trump doesn’t seem to be into mind-altering substances.

The thing about the Rabbi Shmuley selfie is what is written ON the whiteboard: Muslim Ban (checked as completed) - this accidental evidence will kill the White House’s contention (in the appellate courts) that the travel restrictions were anything other than religious discrimination (and leave no room to argue that

I recall him being described as “egg shaped” !!

It’s very 1930s Kaiser-in-exile Wilhelm II. Poirot was a refugee from Belgium during WWI, so it’s unlikely he’d be following the Kaiser’s sartorial cues for 20 years, still, MotOE takes place in the early 1930s - at which time the old Kaiser’s facial hair was this (Branaugh’s is still wrong)...

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

“Despite that, the Trump admin is planning to put them on a plane TODAY. A plane ride that can very likely lead to their death.”

By “sorry” do you mean “sorry that the American tourism industry is losing millions of dollars because our blatant racism is keeping tons of people from spending money visiting here sorry?”