as a fellow non-IM’er, my guess is:
as a fellow non-IM’er, my guess is:
You know, I’m starting to think this guy isn’t as good a negotiator as he claims he is.
They tried very hard, and an election that the GOP should’ve won by 30 points, they won by only six or seven points. We’re talking dark red, heart-of-the-GOP territory in Kansas. A single-digit win is freaking them out.
I dunno, if you’ve staked your identity and emotional wellbeing on being the hot conservative chick that douchey conservative bros all flock around, suddenly not having an outlet for that attention anymore probably is pretty destabilizing. Guess Tomi will have to figure something else to base her self worth on. …
That is literally my dream job.
She’s getting paid, but isn’t allowed to perform the functions of her job. Sounds perfect to me!
informed industry colleagues of the pending closure of the 18-year-old agency
No, you usually hit runways with guided ordinance designed to penetrate down to the concrete slabs beneath the top coat of asphalt which is far more difficult and time-consuming to fix. The Tomahawk cruise missile isn’t designed for that sort of application.
The contest took place at the MGM Hotel and Casino, and the league’s gambling policy prohibits players from appearing at promotional events at casinos.
He doesn’t deserve capitals. When he acts like a big boy, he’ll get big boy letters.
Because he’s darker and more Muslim looking than she is. In New York.
The cheerleaders earned between $100 and $1,500 per date. Everyone involved credibly claims that they never had sex for money with any of their dates, and none of the evidence Pylilo gathered suggests that they did.
And yet they lost because De’Aaron Fox torched the ever-living fuck out of Ball for 30 or 40 points because Ball’s foot speed was too slow. And Ball only scored 10 for pretty much the exact same reason. And UCLA’s leading scorer in that game was white. You can’t make this shit up.
I think the point is that if a consenting adult wants to have a contractual relationship with another adult and there’s no rule against it, why should the school intervene?
Because you don’t want to get into the “But I do more than you” thing. I am well aware I make more than some of my colleagues, and management is very clear with me that there’s a reason why, but my coworkers work long hours and weekends and I’m sure they would be pretty unhappy if they knew. I’ve only had the…
I suspect that more than a few Americans have Muslim/gay/African-American friends,co-workers and think that they are “lovely people “, and then because they personally know these people that that makes their friends/ co-workers honorary “white people”, so that they exempt them from their unspoken bigotry.
So yeah, the thing about military uniforms is, you’re not allowed to have an “iconoclastic take” on them while you’re on duty.