Django Fett

I don't even know why we're talking about this.

Well, whoever the author of this post is clearly doesn't do his homework.

That same ignorance amongst the Democratic electorate is what got Hillary's (brand) nominated over Bernie Sanders.

Hm… I don't think it would have anything to do with the economic statistics.

Nice post.

Actually, a vote for Trump is actually a vote to rebuke both parties in control. Achieves the same effect as voting for Stein, and opens the gate for a far left Dem candidate in 2020.

No, the ignorance is on YOUR side. If you followed Trump AT ALL, you'd know his views border that of the now (pretty much defunct) Reform Party. Especially when it comes to trade agreements.

Um, last time I checked, blacks are in chains - look at the economic numbers, the education numbers, and the crime/prison statistics, the #BLM bitching.

If you don't know what Trump is about, you haven't done any research.

And yet, you belittle to tell someone not to belittle? That's real big thinking at work over there!

They're both anti-free trade. Trump's been that way since the late 80s, and ran as a Reform Party candidate briefly in 2000 under that.

So… you're a communist? FEDS!!!!!

Sigh… let's not compare penis sizes, in terms of intellect.

Same reason why politicians often don't trash talk - and their wealthier SuperPACs do?


Nope. I'll just vote Trump and see some of you guys on the news in a few years ;)

Both are anti-free trade, both were originally independents. Both side with democrats on policy issues.

So who do you vote for?

True, a revolution WILL be costly and the status quo could suffice for some.

Yea, but if folks want to play Occupy Wallstreet with elections and go in all kinds of directions, instead of THE ONE RIGHT direction, "greedy" folks like me will be better off investing in oneself and ones family and leaving the bottom rung folks left to rot.