Django Fett

Pretty much. And yup!


Better yet, get a REAL education, take care of your own, and stop complaining.

He can if he has balls (like Trump), watch.

And Clinton and her yelling is?

Most folks I talk to about Hillary know nothing of her conservative roots, or the fact that she and her husband were both pro-NAFTA, pro-outsourcing and pro-incarceration.

Oh and making NBC black again!

It's enough:

Funny, at 35, I'm starting to finally see the meaning to the old addage:

I was thinking Hillary was the Mayo on Coleslaw.

The tenth, making $150K a year? Having grown up in the projects with parents making $14K?

You ever hear of the Talented 10th?

Based on your punctuation choices, and my punctuation choices, I believe the problem is with your English Comprehension.

Sure. Just know that when you don't vote, you vote for the winner by default.

Please, a lot of black folks weren't voting for him anyhow - because they've been brainwashed.

LOL, anyone black not voting for Bernie should become a Dixiecrat so they can end up back in chains.

Just like how we wanted to see the last Resident Evil, the Clooney Batman, The Last Airbender, and Dragonball right?