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right below econo save?

um cersei was about to kill tommen at the blackwater remember?

It makes you root for the whitewalkers, duh

Um, it's also possible they don't ever get to battle. Ever think of that?

Also, maybe melisandre pulled a mance rayder type switcheroo

to be fair, you didnt actually SEE it

The people bitching/ridiculing the special effects can fuck off. This IS a TV show remember. They DID show the dragon burning people alive and ripping them to shreds. Was Dany flying off a little cheesy? Yes. As book readers you knew it was going to happen and should've expected it to be a little cheesy. They

I can't believe nobody is taking about the epic eye rolls from her sisters. Like "Jesus Christ tyene, again with the fucking nudity you slut"

I fist pumped when the door slammed shut on Cersei

man, I love me some good sass responses

Man, sansa is tall. No wonder Ramsey has an inferiority complex

I skipped the entire sand snakes part in the book. Iron born part too

It's gonna snap theon back from the brink.

Anybody think Bronn is in trouble with that little cut of the blade he received? Like father, like daughter.

Man I can't wait for cersei to get her comeuppance

This was the funniest episode of the season

Why do I continue to watch this show. I hate every character on the show except Adam

I want ONE episode where hannah doesn't say something that makes me vomit in my mouth a little

Can we go one fucking week without seeing Lena Dunham taking a piss

I'm 35 and still won't hold a newborn