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What a steaming shitpile

If tonight's episode doesn't get an F nothing ever will. What a steaming pile of shit

By the end of “The U Part 2,” clips of sturdy professional anchors like Robin Roberts have been replaced by footage of yahoos like Colin Cowherd and Woody Paige, shouting at the camera and “embracing debate.”

She's gone!!!?!!?!

Um the Xmas ep was the episode where peralta handcuffs himself to holt, calls him awesome code names like "cold mountain", terry flattens a dude, and boyle gets shot in the butt.

I don't think it was a parody of inception at all

If the leftovers comments section taught us anything, it's that the reviewers are benevolent creatures free from the criticism of us lowly commenters.

See I think that was part the writer didn't get…

I typically agree with most reviewers on this site, but for whatever reason the south park writers are always terrible. Either they don't get the satire, or think they are above the satire. I'm not sure which but they definitely don't get it

Bubba looked up at me and said "Payne, I can't feel my legs" And I said," Bubba, they aint there." And I looked down and them little bloody nubs was kicking. And I said," Bubba, its 30 miles to the nearest town, and unless you can flip upside down walk on your hands you aint gonna make it.

That is a very interesting take

This show is like a live action version of a Damien Rice song

Did you like the show or the book better? I found the book wildly unsatisfying, especially as a stand alone book and not the first of a series. I think the show is much better

I also read the book, to say the series is loosely based on the book would be an understatement. So far, I have like the series way better

I've actually enjoyed her reviews since that atrocious one a few weeks back. I feel they've been on point. While I don't agree with everything she writes… that's not the point of why I read reviews in the first place.

Yeah, Sonia, the house he lives in now was his dad's house.

anyone suggesting that the moment when desmond calls penny in the constant doesn't instantly make it one of the top 3 episodes of LOST ever is a god damn moron

Sonia would've really hated the book then. There were zero poc in the book, except for the Asian girls. Kevin is the mayor, Wayne is described as Springsteen-esque. So the two "magic negroes" that are there are completely made up for the show

Go on youtube and watch lost plane crash in real time… only if you've seen past season four

oh well, as long as lady stoneheart makes a brief appearance I'll be happy