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Did the last scene remind anyone else of the ending of Eternal Sunshine?

Or "Barry, could you maybe reset to a timeline where harry doesn't make lame jokes"

I kepty waiting for cisco to say something like "did that just come out on Earth-2 or something?"

This guy totally missed the point of the whole episode. I thought this was the best episode of the season.

not just in looks but in the way she talks

When did Carrie-Ann Moss become Angela Pitreli?

This might be the most well written review I've ever read on AV Club

um, because he said the same thing at the same time as bart only you couldn't hear him because of the apple in his mouth

I loved farrell's acting tonight. The way he moved like he was injured the rest of the episode shows great attention to detail. It seems most shows would've just blown something like that off(24)

Holy shit, the guy isn't a rookie, he's 24 and on the last year of his rookie contact. A point the show made over and over

Easy boss, I'm just sassin ya a bit. Universal love for everything I like is not required

I thought the wire was always great. Just a very slow build.

That's because that IS funny. I still laugh just thinking about that. And I never even saw the movie

I bet you thought the wire sucked too

It's the same reaction I have when people laugh at previews for the new adam sandler movie or Ted 2 in the movie theater

I laughed too, but not because I thought it was cheezy(which I guess it kind of was) but for the sheer visual. And for the fact that he said it to a 12 year old

ever heard of something called a "story arc"? I would say if it doesn't grab you by the fifth you should give up. Not the third

If I see one more review with "flat circle" in the headline grab I'm going to blow my fucking brains out

I can't believe all the critics slamming the show after the first episode. This episode, like most series premieres(which this technically isn't, but really is) are usually boring as hell and are all about setup and introduction.

Yeah, it's almost like it's the first episode of a completely different season with different actors