Dan Peres Editor-in-Chief

“You should not comment about your actual thoughts and ideals because the only goal is Trump losing and everything staying the same so what matters to us, with our own cozy lives, is not shaken up by a candidate who will DO SOMETHING that benefits EVERYONE. If you fail to support a three time losing, POC

Seriously. I know I suck as a commenter, but everyone should be sharing this. BURN WHITE SUPREME FB DOWN TO THE GROUND!

As much as I have been a supporter of The Root and shared posts via social media through (shhhh) various burners, THIS I will share more religiously than any other.

This is so true. I am constantly getting warnings or thrown in Facebook jail for calling out racist and racism.

As I understand it, he has options left but would have to approve an assignment because of service time.

I think Kris has her own church.  I would not set foot in any church frequented by the Kardashians but I prefer church with people who went through discernment it’s just one of those things with me.

Now playing

Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, “Ways to Be Wicked”

“Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson accuses United Kingdom Intelligence of helping Obama Administration Spy on the 2016 Trump Presidential Campaign.”

Don’t they have her on tape saying “So we’ll pretend it’s a donation?” Like, doesn’t she essentially say she knows she’s bribing someone and her way around that is to pretend it’s a donation (which, I think, is also illegal)?

It’s not a lie if you believe it”

I think she is (obviously) lying, but wouldn't be at all surprised if she gets away with it.

Sad to say but people smart enough to do things like land us on  the moon are not nearly as representative of our species as those idiotic enough to be anti-vaxxers. 

What a great idea. Alice is a lovely name that's been on the backburner for a while.

I know this is common teen behavior but this is the first I’ve heard of teens stealing something worth more than twenty bucks whether they were rich or poor. It's bad enough stealing something of symbolic value but an item that could get an employee fired? That's messed up.

Mendes has a narrow face while Bieber's is oval and aesthetically an oval face is more balanced so you're right to prefer that. We like what we like.