Make Church Great Again
Make Church Great Again
No news is...
OH MY GOD! “The Root” Why didn’t I think of that?
In their defense, both of those “bands” sucked the entire time.
Emily, I don’t understand a lot of those words you used in this post so I assume that you’re a great writer. Would you be interested in writing for Gawker? I currently have 0 readers (or writers).
Because I am new to Gawker and just trying to learn how it works.
Meanwhile on Breitbart:
Let us now calm our tits. It is March Madness, not March PissedOffOverNothing-Ness.
“It was almost as if they forgot the man they were double-teaming led the nation”
I’d put it on Gawker, but I currently have a grand total of 0 readers.
That bald spot serum really does work!
I am sick and tired of schools, sports arenas/stadiums, airports, and border crossings becoming more like prisons every day. Soon you will all be able to read about this on Gawker.
$44.95/month? That is absurd. You can get a happy in Florida for half of that.
He should be using Signal.
“They suck” is basically what you’re saying.
While everyone talks about Russia, porn actresses, dead “heroes”, the Conways, and the wall, federal judges have been pushed through at record pace and will continue to be. So yes, decades and decades and decades.
If only those teachers had their own guns...