That Guy

Actually, what I don’t get is why the city allowed the shipyard to build something that would necessitate dismantling the bridge. If the city agreed up front, as it appears it did, than the problem isn’t Bezos, but the local government and the shipyard. They’re the ones who aren’t respecting the “...blood, sweat...”,

What on earth are you trying to demonstrate here? I’ll spell it out for you:

If you read the article, they’re forecasting a day.

I’m sorry... what? You’re saying that a ship yard constructing a ship....

No, this a ship builder requiring the bridge be temporarily deconstructed so the vessel they built can leave the shipyard.  And it’s the Council saying that they can do this.  Who order the vessel is irrelevant.

If you’re prepared to also inject a couple million dollars into ‘my’ economic system, you can knock yourself out.

This is also only being taken apart for a day or two.  And he’s paying for it.  I’m not really sure what the issue is.  Bezos is lousy person but he didn’t do anything wrong here.  

Yeah, trying not to hit a deer is usually what immediately precedes hitting a deer. TBF, it is more the deer chooses to hit you.

skeffles dismisses any replies that disagree with them in their threads, its best to do the same when they go down this path.

That’s a big word to use - and awfully insulting. But it’s clear there no room for nuance or legitimate ethical debate in your mind. It’s all black and white. And whatever benefit received by thousands of ship builders and workers in associated industries as a consequence of this - particularly during the economic

The fact that a person can actually perceive complex ethical decisions, and acknowledges that good governance occasionally means having to make hard decisions because they’ll benefit the greatest number of people doesn’t make a person a ‘sociopath’.  

Frankly, not really, no. Their history isn’t being ‘dismantled’, it’s being temporarily deconstructed and then reconstructed to allow a ship to pass. Is their council backtracking on an earlier promise? Yeah, sounds like it. Could they be kicked out of office as a result? Yep for sure. Is it possible that council

So they’re repurposing a ship that would otherwise be dismantled in an environmentally friendly manner, and your take is it’s bad, just because it’s for a billionaire?

Unfortunately the Supreme Court has already recognized that the context of the Second Amendment isn’t limited to that and that “self-defense” is in fact a constitutional right.

I'm thinking EV owners are gonna be a lot more likely to top-up every night than a gasser, but I'm really just making that up.

That’s one of the advantages of EVs, though. So long as you have a place to charge at home, most people are going to start their commute at 100%.

It is absolutely human nature, and I apologize for my transgression. Capitalism is the natural order of things. The laws of economics are right up there with the laws of physics. People can try to break them all they want, but they always prevail. Even when & where communism and socialism have been tried, market

People don't need these specific cars, as they are not unique. Your wife is unique, and your comparison is without value.

I completely agree. The dealership in question is trash and the market will hopefully treat it as such. The author could have written what I just wrote full stop. Instead he chose to attack a pretty basic tenant of economics and human nature. What a bone head.

I’ll take, individual who needs to pick up a book one time in his life for $200, Alex

The one fallacy of our capitalistic market system — one that enables and allows individuals to (bafflingly, at least to me) charge more for something that is in short supply — is the arbitrary notion of assigning value to goods,