That Guy

It’s a slippery slope. I know you know your history. It’s been tried over and over again in various countries all over the world. Even Scandinavian countries have started to move away from there large social net systems because it is not sustainable. Anyways this article is about freedom of speech and protest, which

cops should be fired for treating people too nicely.

Well 4 provinces dropped the covid restrictions, so things seem to be working. The hypocrisy that we heard “truckers kept the world running during the pandemic” now they are considered some sort of bad people is laughable. This comment will surely show as pending approval.  Keep wearing those Nikes made in labor

The mods here are activists. They only approve comments on 1 side of the argument. If you can’t handle other points of opinion or debate and sensor others, then you expose your argument as weak.  Here’s to you Commie Mod ;)

I’m still in the greys, and will likely forever remain so, but:

It’s amazing how fast people throw free speech and freedom to assemble (protest) out the window. Even if you do not agree with people, you cannot shut down their voice if they are peaceful. History repeats itself and we are watching a socialist push like the 1900's. It’s a shame 100s of millions of people died to

Lol. These reports with no footage to back them up are stacking up. 

I got grayed for calling Erin out over her stolen package rant. Such is life.

Wait.. so we SHOULD arrest political protesters?

Rather ironic for Erin to write an article casting aspersions on someone else for excusing criminal behavior.

“NOooo the air conditioning is on! Jesus,  Ernesto!”

Just wait till you get inside. You’ll love it. All the rapes, stabbings.... it’s basically a city inside a city. Guards do not Give A F and it is very likely you will die just for sitting in the wrong place.

Venezuela arresting people for corruption... Would be comic if the dictatorial regime in place hadn’t taken away every last drop of hope out of their people. 

I guarantee you, Oceana told Bezos about the bridge issue when the initial plans were drawn up. They move superyachts under that bridge all the time. There is no way this caught everyone by surprise. I would bet that Bezos flashed a pile of cash and said “We’ll just take the bridge apart.”

Imagine a company in NYC said to a foreign billionaire “sure, we’ll build your playtoy, don’t worry about the Statue of Liberty in the way, we’ll deal with the logistics of getting it moved aside for a few days”. Americans would freak the fuck out, but their wrath should be directed at the American company that made

Unfortunately, that would be playing into protesters’ hands.

A lot of poor people also suck. Being rich or poor does not determine if you are a shitty person or not. Shitty people are shitty regardless.

I don’t understand your comparison here.  Are you saying the people employed by the ship builder are slaved labour?  You’ll need to provide us more information about their wages and benefits and any legitimate complaints they have about working conditions.

The plan was to force him to assemble it upstream so they could shift the costs of the bridge work to him. Also local officials want the bridge gone and the local citizens don’t. It has costs, but provides no benefit, since it’s not in use.

Never in a million years thought I’d read an article where I am defending Amazon, but a $40 ANNUAL price increase comes out to an increase of $3.33/mo, which isn’t much at all