That Guy

I’ve been in the greys for months... and pretty sure fully censored on Jalopnik because I countered Torch on a political opinion he had that was counter to actual law. They don’t like being called on on their politics or when their activism won’t allow them to admit they got something wrong.

* but violent BLM protest are ok right?

*but left wing protests are ok by you right? 

When you can personally spend the kind of money he has on that boat and drive that sort of return into the local economy, please let us know.

Both of those are monuments. The bridge was built as a functional piece of infrastructure designed to raise or lower to let ships pass, or in this case partially removed TEMPORARILY with the benefit of a fresh overhaul at the expense of a billionaire. No outrage found.

They had approval in advance maybe for the bridge thing?

Me thinks he didn’t choose to have his boat built first and worry about the bridge later. He isn’t stupid. This was likely negotiated well in advance and the community benefits from jobs and likely a bridge that is going to receive additional maintenance off cycle that will only help preserve it and save community

And all that maintenance means the bridge’s next twenty years before it’s next overhaul was funded by him and it put even more people to work.

Pretty sure the bag of chips I bought at the store today did less to stimulate the local economy than he did in this instance.

It was built/designed just for this fucking purpose. Get over it.

I know we are talking Canada here.... But...

By now, we should all know that the batteries used in most (not all) EV’s shouldn’t be regularly charged to a 100% SoC. Most consumers are keeping them in a range of 75%-85% SoC, as is typically recommended by the manufacturer”

Please. Nothing to do with civil rights. Nice try. It has everything to do with no need to invest in a fleet of plows and salt for southern states that would never be fully utilized.

I do that with my Volt!

cdydatzigs is the same guy from further above that doesn’t accept the well established causes of inflation.

You apparently don’t understand the difference between bonuses or tax returns vs sending out free money to citizens that further elevates the national debt which then increases inflation.

You don’t seem to understand the printing of money (sending checks from presidents both republican and democrat) have on inflation which impacts everyone’s cost of living.

In Oneida County NY, those hospitalized over the age of 50 were pretty close to 60/40 unvaxxed to vaxxed - and that was for Delta. There are interesting and wildly varying stats on hospitalizations depending on where one lives and I tend to trust the county level stats more than anything else.  So yes, the vaccinated

Also cheaper than escorts in the long run.

Left and right are fascists. Lets not pretend they are any different. Both side are power hungry and mad and will adopt fascism to impart their culture on every citizen.

You noticed a noise over time though... I’m surprised you didn’t think to ferret that out.