That Guy

Jalopnik mob justice tried and convicted Ravnsborg of drunk driving manslaughter last week. And the sheriff of cover up. This week it’s distracted drunk driving. Reading radical right conspiracy theory on cell phone while speeding at night in dark as F rural South Dakota while while drunk is a bit too much to believe.

Thankfully, no person of color has ever used their phone while driving. 

Don’t care what he was doing at the time of the incident.  I just want this motherfucker held accountable.  And hold the system that let him get away with it accountable.

At its core it is a wafer shortage. It is really based on two things: 

S0 anyone who doesn’t already have a 3000 series gpu, you are totally screwed.

What a lovely jalopvertisement. Not that I could afford an Airstream either but I rather have one of those than this. Not to mention this is really rich coming from this family of blogs given the rampant threats of violence from all the acab, eat the rich and late stage capitalism terrorists that troll the boards.

She makes it look cool. I would look like a circus bear.

Run your country like a banana republic and you get banana republic type shit. Seems we the people have had enough and for the first time in our lives our elected officials in congress are truly scared of we the people.

This is why you guys are struggling. I was excited to finally see something about a classic getting recognition here (read: not exaltation of a of 20 year old shitbox), and this is what we get.

its software guys in Mumbai”

These guys need to stay home and drink a lot more.

When are you going to realize it isn’t a Harley problem, but you just don’t understand the cruiser market. If this was a Vulcan 1700, your complaints would apply. If this was an Indian Chieftain, your complaints would still apply.

This really needs a “/s” at the end.

Rode a High End Softail back in the 90's. It was fine, until I got back on my bike with half the weight and twice the HP with real brakes and a shifter that did not go BANG and smooth. And did not feel like it was going to fall into every corner (Could have been the tires)

When I googled mother's room, all I get are articles on lactation/breastfeeding rooms.

It hit a curb, not a crowd.

It’s still not a Polaris so that’s a plus

You wrote, “It’s got a manual transmission, a rev-happy engine up front, rear-wheel drive, a tendency toward oversteer. If Mazda dropped a new Miata with those figures, every single person reading this would be crying joyful tears...”

My Grandfather passed two weeks ago at 98 1/2, he was in training class with Chuck Yeager and Neil Armstrong, we have the graduation photo with the whole class.
What a full and long life these gentlemen had.