
Yeah, that was a shame about his injury. He looked really strong. Froome looked frightened of Aru all day, and with good reason. It almost looked like his best gambit was to try to cut him off at the rail if he tried to go past on the riders’ left, so I was glad to see the riding area open up as much as it did towards

“Complete dominance” by Team Sky, eh? You posted this three minutes ago. Team Sky broke and Froome lost the yellow jersey to Aru nearly an hour ago.

The timing was great, as it was during the ascent of the Col de Nature.

Also counterpoint: 8 of 12 teams make the quarters from the group stage, so if Canada can’t figure that out apart from this, do they really deserve to go through?

Also Froome signaled for help when he was behind Aru, unless there’s another angle that I haven’t seen, so it’s not fair to characterize Aru as having sped past a helpless Froome in the way that the piece does.

Well I’ve never been happier about all the hours I wasted in college watching French New Wave films in order to impress the girl I was seeing at the time.

I live on a Tuesday/Wednesday block, too. The key to being mellow about owning a car in NYC is not imagining that you’re going to successfully master alternate-side parking. You can pay $200+ per month to garage your car somewhere inconvenient, or you can just park it on your own block, on the proper side if possible,

I didn’t realize that today’s stage went past Cherbourg.

So nice to see Freddie Adu living up to his potential. That was some bicycle kick!

I forget.

What a gorgeous array of people, and Carlos Puyol, too!

Huh? He hit it with his right foot across the ball to his left. It was always curving to the right. Have you ever kicked a ball (or hit a ball with a golf club, thrown a frisbee, etc.)?

Is it wrong to root for him never to play again and thus go down in history as a famous statistical anomaly instead of as a marginal nobody who, twenty years from now, is featured on “Let’s Remember Some Guys” lists on Kinja’s 38th successor commenting platform?

Pretty sure “fucking” is one of the seven words you can’t use to describe the FCC.

His jersey looked delicious, though.

But his emails!

From the photo at least it seems that Jackson initially thought his ticket was the triangle offense, but then decided it was actually a pocket square.

She’s not my type, but Taoiseach his own, I guess.

I’m sure that’s a distinction that is entirely lost on Bill Platschke and his ilk.

Jim Deshaies has made a case for some ridiculous propositions in the past, though. #deshaiesforHOF