I get that this never gets called, but, really, “No one could get in a good position to see him drag that pivot foot”? The trail official is about 15 feet away on the same side of the floor with no one between him and the play.
I get that this never gets called, but, really, “No one could get in a good position to see him drag that pivot foot”? The trail official is about 15 feet away on the same side of the floor with no one between him and the play.
The two-point arc is irrelevant. The standard for Boston is one if by land, and two if by sea.
Don’t rule out West Ham!!!!
Vey is him.
tbh this kind of makes me want to move to Norway and be a professional (if 5th division) footballer, just so i can say i did.
You made all that money working from home?!?
Wait, I thought Spurs finished second. Now they get a chance at the Warriors, too? Sports is confuse me.
“On this pitch”? Seriously, the tyranny of Deadspin’s soccer coverage has gone too far.
So basically he has the same relationship with Doc as Tom Hanks had with Wilson?
I’m Forever Popping Kernels
Then why are you here?
Aha! I had always suspected that Ric Flair and Susan Boyle were actually the same person.
One year it’s Patrick Beverley with the dubious lunge-in on Westbrook. Now it’s Motiejunas falling down in front of Curry. Next year Josh Smith will smite Kawhi Leonard with the wind of his missed free throws.
So basically Judges Parker and Chin sent it backbackbackback to Berman, but Judge Katzmann Could. Not. Go. All. The. Way.
No, they lost 113-105.
Nice Kinja call-back.
Reijo Ruotsaleinin
Evgeny Davydov
Stanislav Neckar
Hey now, British troops the blacks and the browns could fill our streets any time now with muskets drawn entirely unarmed and when that happens, how could we possibly defend ourselves?
In related news, Westboro Baptist Church announced that they will not be picketing Snider’s funeral, as Philly fans are expected to turn out in force to boo him.
Exactly. I was actually thinking of Alcorn State with Steve McNair in the role of Vardy but was worried that the reference was dated. But as you point out, it’s also a strange season beyond just Leicester, as Spurs are more akin to a Michigan State or a Texas or USC or something than they are to Florida or Alabama or…