
Anyone who thinks Russia hacked voting machines to rig the election is insane and shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

This list doesn’t mimic my experience at all.

Hillary wouldn’t be elected either.

One of the points of the EC is to allow states with large land mass and relatively low population to have a more-equal voice. Popular vote would allow small, densely populated areas (NYC, etc.) to unfairly influence the election for large areas of the US.

The Dem party running a shit candidate was what cost Hillary the election - not 3rd. party voters.

The EC also exists to account for densely and sparsely populated areas, so that states with large land area and low population have their interests represented as well. It is a great thing on both counts.

I would prefer to keep the burqa even if it risks harming Muslim women

Yeah, that’s the tough part, isn’t it? There is no way to really know, so the only solution is to take a hard line stance about it.

The right to Purdah? It isn’t a right. It’s a mandate to force women to wear coverings so that they stay out of sight of men or strangers. In parts of these cultures, there isn’t a choice in the matter. That’s oppression.

She is on a lifelong mission to remove the Second Amendment from the Constitution.

Good. She’s not the problem. Let’s face it. The first problem is US. The voters.

I’ve seen her videos. She’s young and she thinks that she’s got everything figured out, but you can tell that she lacks real life experiences. She has the convictions of someone who has been told what to think, but who never questioned “why” or to honestly look at the issues critically.

That comment was sarcasm. There’s no font for that.

Just as oppressive? No. Not even close. No one is going to stone you to death for wearing a scarf in this case.

Sorry, no wedding veils, either.

This law only applies to covering the face. And it’s gender-neutral. I wouldn’t really want everyone walking around in ski masks, either.

Have some perspective.

How nice for you. Many don’t have a choice in the matter. It’s shallow of you to ignore them.

If a person didn’t vote for Hillary, either by voting for someone else or not voting at all, then they voted for trump. Period.

Maybe because voting against him meant voting for a scandalous, lying, warmongering asshole who would have marched us into war and increased the national debt even more?