
Destroying GM vehicles as a Jalopnik writer.

This story is somehow even more embarrassing than the old Jalopnik tale of the guy shitting his pants in a brand-new Lexus review car.

I can’t imagine what it would be like to live in a house maintained by people who hate me. Leaving all the pesky moral and ethical issues aside, I simply wouldn’t be able to touch anything, wear anything, eat anything, etc. knowing that my abuse victims had full access to it all when I wasn’t there. You’d think that

How far we have come. Now living in a van down the the river is the dream, and a pricey one at that. 

Nope, the sad folks are the ones in old RVs that run long enough to turn the wheels so they don’t get a ticket for street parking for more than 6 days in a row in the same spot.

$66k for a “blank slate” just reminds me that there are a lot of people with a lot more money than I have.

It is also much more repairable than a newer car. Or at least until that one part seizes to be available.

And these cars will now work the same. You just have an older car now. 

better to have never had the features ever?

Ugly sucks and always will suck. There’s no controversy here. It looks like shit.

Sick days are also about the ability to call out of work when you need to without repercussion. From what I’ve read if you can’t make it in because you or a family member are sick, you’ll get written up and charged “points”, too many points and you get fired. So I think here it’s less about pay and more about the

Back in the mid-1990s I had a friend who had one of these. I lived in London, England back then. He had spent some time in LA and fell in love with the lolos. He didn’t lower his. He just put 13 x 7 Daytons on it (God knows how he got them). I didn’t like it at the time because I didn’t get it. Now I get it and I wish

Brown, Diesel, Manual, break out the Sawzall and convert it to a wagon. NP

No one in this story seems particularly likable...

How is that worse? It’s significantly more equitable because a traffic fine hurts people more fairly. In the US a speeding ticket for a poor person could be devastating, for a rich person they won’t even give a fuck. Now if the fine is scaled so that it financially harms them by saying taking an equal percentage of

I mentioned on another post that everything old is new again, but I really didn’t mean that to include bringing back the Phyllis Schlafly school of conservative women. Because Lake saying she doesn’t want to be equal to or conquer men while also running for the highest office in her state is sure as hell the kind of

Proving yet again, Republicans do not debate or argue in good faith and cannot be trusted.
Vote Blue in November people. 

Once again, Republicans prove that “it’s not a gun violence crisis, it’s a mental health crisis!” is a completely disingenuous argument and that they’re really just a-ok with senseless, preventable deaths.

“This is a private and personal matter and I ask that the media respect our privacy at this time,”

mArRiAgE iS a SAcReD iNsTitUTioN 🤪🤡