
BMW’s Design philosophy - Normalize ugly through wealth.

I mean you could just say Texas, you don’t have to be nice and say Third World 

This sets a new standard for shitposting on main

Being stuck on a gigantic incubator with people who actively lie about being sick because they paid for a cruise and by God they’re going no matter what? Shit, I’m all about it. Maybe while I’m on the ship it can lose power for a few days or have propulsion and sewage problems. Hell, let’s go whole hog and throw some

I second this sentiment. Nothing they do is new, but that doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable. If I was a millionaire with a blank check to make car films with my friends, I’d keep doing it too.

They are doing a victory lap on life - while they can all still walk and think straight. I am all for it. It may be old hat, but its always fun to watch

The guys at Mansory are pulling their hair out, there is no where left on this car to add more more ugly.

These stories continue to become more and more horrific with each passing month. The GQP needs to be wiped out in the mid-terms and every following election until it sinks into their collective skulls that their agenda is EXTREMELY unpopular and cruel. 

The death cult that is the Republican Party is a real life horror show. There is no indignity or cruelty beneath them.

This is all true. I’ve spent 10 years trying make conservatives in this county happy, and we’re a small local paper. We don’t really do “politics” except in letters to the editor, but holy shit, if we don’t run the 2-page biography of whatever speaker the local Republican party has at their yearly dinner, we’re

Quite right. It’s definitely interesting how newsrooms, both on TV and in print, love a bit of bothsides-ism, but only about certain issues, and those certain issues correspond extremely closely with typical centre-right white male viewpoints. It’s absolutely infects the whole of the US media, including the

It’s also because, to a troubling degree, “fairness” has become more important in newsrooms than truth*. When I worked in newsrooms in the early aughts, one of the most frustrating things was how the higher-ups (editors and to a smaller degree publishers) frequently insisted upon including a perspective we knew to be

It was also cheaper to live when us whites could own slaves to do our work for us. Sorry that facts are inconvenient. Life would just be objectively better if it was cheaper again like that, right?

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead because of that piece of shit. He lied - CONSTANLY - about how dangerous it was despite knowing in February of 2019 (probably sooner) how deadly it was.

It was even cheaper when Nixon was President.

The Duke Nukem Forever of cars.

I spent a summer working in a North Carolina furniture warehouse with no AC, no fans, and very little ventilation. Most of my time was in the back listening to Van Halen and assembling flat-pack office furniture, but would still come home literally soaked with sweat, chattering due to dehydration (we weren’t allowed

I, for one, am very curious as to what flavor is that boot you’re licking.

Yes. It makes perfect sense that the guy in the video chose to collapse from the heat. We should definitely blame him for his choices, and not a company making billions in profits and refusing to provide for their workers.