no - the MAGA hats and their MOPAR love have caused Dodge to be the car of the anti-vax idiot. Didge purposely appeals to people who deny climate change and their sister company RAM - caters to the worst of the whole bunch
no - the MAGA hats and their MOPAR love have caused Dodge to be the car of the anti-vax idiot. Didge purposely appeals to people who deny climate change and their sister company RAM - caters to the worst of the whole bunch
Seats are a really underrated upgrade for track/autocross cars. You’d be amazed how much time you gain on a lap when you aren’t hanging on to the wheel for dear life.
Around the same time that Musk begins banning anyone critical of him, also in the name of “free speech.”
My main fear with all this (as someone who basically never uses twitter, aside from finding out where the local food trucks are): how long until he lifts the ban on trump and other dangerous right-wingers, in the name of “free speech”?
Why do we all deserve to go on a trip? We all may WANT to go on a trip, but deserve is a far stretch, especially when 1/3 of this country actively act like assholes.
That’s what the truck is for.
The key is, they didn’t provide their own video evidence of their crimes.
It’s largely because these guys grew up listening to their dads and grandads joke about being bullying assholes and pulling stunts like this, and how the sheriff would give it a wink and a nod and do nothing, and it would just be a funny story to tell later.
They are Republicans.... or whatever hate-filled, racist, fearmongering, liars the party has transformed into the last 6 years.
Cancel culture? Every time I hear those words, I know the user is a fucking asshole who just wants to fuck people over without consequence.
“I’ve got a great idea... Let me inflict some harm upon someone. I’ll also record it, post it online, and see what good can come of this.” - signed, Ass Hat
Funny how the most generically “alpha” peacockers are the biggest whining crybabies.
1: Do asshole thing and show it for all to see.
Man, people are not good at determining what gas price increases actually cost them.
“The New BMW 7-Series Looks Great Actually”
False. There hasn’t been even a decent-looking 7 since the E38. It has quite literally been over two decades since you could buy a new 7-series that wouldn’t make passersby violently ill.
It’s hilariously bad. Just stop.